绘图未使用 matplotlib 中的按钮小部件根据用户输入进行更新

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我有一个 matplotlib 图,我想根据用户输入进行更新。用户为三个参数输入三个值,并根据这三个输入构建一条路径。然后,该算法获取该路径目录中的每个图像,过度混合所有图像并显示它们。



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np

# Function to update the plot based on button clicks
def update_plot(param1, param2, param3):
   # Construct the path based on the selected values and the image filename based on slider 
   path = f'C:/Users/Jeff/Desktop/images/{param1}mL VE-Wasser + {param2} L Stickstoff +{param3} W'

   new_path = path + '/*.JPG'
   # Create list to later save the individual segmented images
   segmented_imgs = []

   for image in glob.glob(new_path):

       # Add all segmented images to a list of images (their numpy arrays)
       segmented_img = prepare_images()

   # Get the overblended final image
   overblended_img = sum(segmented_imgs)

   # Divide pixel intesities by number of images to get back to scale 0 to 1
   overblended_img = overblended_img / len(segmented_imgs)

   # Plot spraying cone with different regions integrated over the image series (overblended)
   plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))

# Create interactive widgets for each parameter
param1_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Medium in mL/min:')
param2_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Gas in L/min:')
param3_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Leistung in W:')

# Create a button to update the plot update_button = widgets.Button(description="Update Plot")

# Define the callback function for the button
def on_button_clicked(b):
    update_plot(param1_widget.value, param2_widget.value, param3_widget.value)


# Display the widgets and button
display(param1_widget, param2_widget, param3_widget, update_button)
python matplotlib button widget


plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np

# Function to update the plot based on button clicks
def update_plot(param1, param2, param3):
   # Construct the path based on the selected values and the image filename based on slider 
   path = f'C:/Users/Jeff/Desktop/images/{param1}mL VE-Wasser + {param2} L Stickstoff +{param3} W'

   new_path = path + '/*.JPG'
   # Create list to later save the individual segmented images
   segmented_imgs = []

   for image in glob.glob(new_path):

       # Add all segmented images to a list of images (their numpy arrays)
       segmented_img = prepare_images()

   # Get the overblended final image
   overblended_img = sum(segmented_imgs)

   # Divide pixel intesities by number of images to get back to scale 0 to 1
   overblended_img = overblended_img / len(segmented_imgs)

   # Plot spraying cone with different regions integrated over the image series (overblended)
   # CHANGED - Don't create a new figure here

# Create interactive widgets for each parameter
param1_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Medium in mL/min:')
param2_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Gas in L/min:')
param3_widget = widgets.Text(value='', description='Leistung in W:')

# Create a button to update the plot update_button = widgets.Button(description="Update Plot")

# Define the callback function for the button
def on_button_clicked(b):
    update_plot(param1_widget.value, param2_widget.value, param3_widget.value)


# CHANGED - Create the figure only once e.g. down here
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))

# Display the widgets and button
display(param1_widget, param2_widget, param3_widget, update_button)

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