
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


导入数学def isPrime(num):

if num == 1:

    return False

square_root = int(math.sqrt(num))

for i in range(2, square_root + 1):

    if num % i == 0:

        return False

return True

def nextPrime(currentPrime):

flag = True #flag variable as a start, as false. Becomes a boonlean variable. #

while flag == 0: #what the point of doing that?

    if currentPrime == 2: ##i guess the reason for doing that is because this is the first prime number

        currentPrime +=  1 ##so next prime number would essentially be 3, the only prime number sequence that is in the sequence, thus it is hard coded


        currentPrime +=  2  #whats the point of this?

    flag = isPrime(currentPrime) ##this as well

return currentPrime ##i dont get it.


python math boolean concept false-language
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