使用“包含任何”进行匹配不包含数学文档 - 条目顺序颠倒

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

虽然我有一段时间没有查看 contains 任何内容,但我确实有测试设置,如文档中所述,https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#match-contains-any,以及

original values ... contains any... options

第 42 和 43 行显示首先列出的选项并通过,而第 45 和 46 行显示文档中列出的方法失败

我也厌倦了与 $ 的反应,并看到相同的结果



Feature: Match Testing
  Background: Setup Info
    * url "https://swapi.dev/api/"
        * def namesEnumeration = [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
        * configure continueOnStepFailure = true

        # matches defined for the response object - https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#response
        # the three lines below are equivalent
        # Then match response.name == 'Billie'
        # Then match response $.name == 'Billie'
        # Then match $.name == 'Billie' - this example shows the $.name on the left side so unclear on why these tests all fail
            # this also contradicts or is convoluted by the following statement a little lower in the same reposne object
                # There is no need to prefix variable names with $ on the left-hand-side of match statements because it is implied. 
                # You can if you want to, but since only JsonPath (on variables) is allowed here, Karate ignores the $ and looks only at the variable name. 
                # None of the examples in the documentation use the $varName form on the LHS, and this is the recommended best-practice.
                    # Maybe a distinction between the response short-cut and the $variable reference could clarify

  Scenario: Match Testing as variable - method 1 - everything defined as a variable
        # match contains any reference - https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#match-contains-any
    Given path 'people'
    When method GET
    Then status 200
            * def names = $.results[*].name
            * print "Current names from variable are available are: ", names
            * match names contains any namesEnumeration
            * def matchResult = karate.match("names contains any namesEnumeration")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
            * match namesEnumeration contains any names
            * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any names")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult

    Scenario: Match Testing with response as defined variable - attempt 2 - Issue scenario 1
        Given path 'people'
        When method GET
      Then status 200
            * def responseObj = $
            * print "Current response from variable are available is: ", responseObj
                * match responseObj.results[*].name contains any namesEnumeration
                * def matchResult = karate.match("responseObj.results[*].name contains any namesEnumeration")
                * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
                # The following do not work due to the RH side containing "[*]"
                * match namesEnumeration contains any responseObj.results[*].name
                * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any responseObj.results[*].name")
                * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult

    Scenario: Match Testing with response defined in karate.jsonPath and karate.get functions - attempt 3
            # methods implemented per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71749751/karate-cant-print-values-from-the-response-array-of-json-objects
            # unsure why we would need to use karate.jsonPath if the response value is already pure jsonPath
            # As a short-cut, when running JsonPath expressions - $ represents the response. This has the advantage that you can use pure JsonPath and be more concise.     
        Given path 'people'
        When method GET
      Then status 200
            * print karate.jsonPath(response, '$.results[*].name')
                    * match karate.jsonPath(response, '$.results[*].name') contains any namesEnumeration
                    * def matchResult = karate.match("karate.jsonPath(response, '$.results[*].name') contains any namesEnumeration")
                    * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
                    * match namesEnumeration contains any karate.jsonPath(response, '$.results[*].name')
                    * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any karate.jsonPath(response, '$.results[*].name')")
                    * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
                * print karate.get('$.results[*].name')
                    * match karate.get('$.results[*].name') contains any namesEnumeration
                    * def matchResult = karate.match("karate.get('$.results[*].name') contains any namesEnumeration")
                    * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
                    * match namesEnumeration contains any karate.get('$.results[*].name')
                    * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any karate.get('$.results[*].name')")
                    * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult

    Scenario: Match Testing with built in JSON response variable - attempt 4 - Issue scenario 2
            Given path 'people'
        When method GET
      Then status 200
                # Based on your comment here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62869540/printing-database-query-response-as-json-array-list-in-karate
                    # when you see a * or .. it is JsonPath
                        # This explains why the following line does not work since it is not a js object
            # * print "Current names from response are available are: ", response.results[*].name
            * match $.results[*].name contains any [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            * def matchResult = karate.match("$.results[*].name contains any namesEnumeration")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
            * match namesEnumeration contains any $.results[*].name
            * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any $.results[*].name")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult

            * match $.results[?(@.height == "172")].name contains any [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            # * def matchResult = karate.match("$.results[?(@.height == "172")].name contains any namesEnumeration")
            # * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
            # had to declare as variable because placing the jsonPath with a condition, in the LH side of the match checks results in error that stops further evaluations
            * def jsonPart = $.results[?(@.height == "172")].name
            * print "jsonPart is - ", jsonPart
            * match jsonPart contains any [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            * def matchResult = karate.match("jsonPart contains any namesEnumeration")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult
            * match namesEnumeration contains any $.results[?(@.height == '172')].name
            * def matchResult = karate.match("namesEnumeration contains any $.results[?(@.height == '172')].name")
            * print "matchResult is - ", matchResult

        Scenario: Match Testing with built in JSON response variable - attempt 5 - Issue scenario 3

            # example of match with response on the left side - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73530906/karate-test-framework-how-to-check-presence-of-parameter-in-response/73545783#73545783
            Given path 'people/1'
        When method GET
      Then status 200
            * print "Current response name is: ", response.name
            * match response.name == [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]           
            * match response.name contains [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            * match response.name contains any [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]

            # Summary
            # since actual is typically on the left, and expected on the right, per documentation, changing the actual to the RH seems
            # a little confusing when other review the scenarios and assertions.
                # something like the following might be a solution to eliminate the confusion as this topic appears to have come up before
            # * match response.name isIncludeIn [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            # * match response.name isPartOf [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]
            # * match response.name isListedIn [ "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader", "Beru Whitesun lars", "R5-D4", "Obi-Wan Kenobi" ]



* match 'foo' within ['a', 'foo', 'c']


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