
问题描述 投票:3回答:1


    requires \valid(a);
    requires \valid(b);
    ensures *a == \old(*b);
    ensures *b == \old(*a);
    assigns *a,*b;
    void swap(int *a, int *b)
        int temp = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = temp;

    requires \valid(t +(leftmost..rightmost));
    requires 0 <= leftmost;
    requires 0 <= rightmost;
    decreases (rightmost - leftmost);
    assigns *(t+(leftmost..rightmost));
    void quickSort(int * t, int leftmost, int rightmost)
        // Base case: No need to sort arrays of length <= 1
        if (leftmost >= rightmost)
        }  // Index indicating the "split" between elements smaller than pivot and 
        // elements greater than pivot
        int pivot = t[rightmost];
        int counter = leftmost;
            loop assigns i, counter, *(t+(leftmost..rightmost));
            loop invariant 0 <= leftmost <= i <= rightmost + 1 <= INT_MAX ;
            loop invariant 0 <= leftmost <= counter <= rightmost;
            loop invariant \forall int i; leftmost <= i < counter ==> t[i] <= pivot;
            loop variant rightmost - i;
        for (int i = leftmost; i <= rightmost; i++)
            if (t[i] <= pivot)
                /*@assert \valid(&t[counter]);*/
                /*@assert \valid(&t[i]);*/
                swap(&t[counter], &t[i]);

        // NOTE: counter is currently at one plus the pivot's index 
        // (Hence, the counter-2 when recursively sorting the left side of pivot)
        quickSort(t, leftmost, counter-2); // Recursively sort the left side of pivot
        quickSort(t, counter, rightmost);   // Recursively sort the right side of pivot

作为旁注,我知道wp不支持递归,因此在运行decreases时忽略了Frama-c -wp -wp-rte语句。

这是gui中的结果:enter image description here


Frama-c在不支持递归的情况下,可以在假设下验证第二个递归调用。据我了解,呼叫quickSort(t, leftmost, counter-2)未得到验证,因为它可能违反前提条件requires 0 <= rightmost。我不太确定那种情况下的Frama-c行为以及如何解决。



sorting quicksort frama-c formal-verification proof-of-correctness



现在关于失败的证明义务:当循环不变式的“已建立”部分失败时,开始进行调查通常是一个好主意。与保留相比,这通常是一个更简单的证明义务:对于已建立的部分,您想证明注释是在您第一次遇到循环时保持的(即,这是基本情况),而对于保留,您必须证明如果在任意循环步骤的开始时假设不变为真,则在所述步骤的结尾保持不变(即,归纳情况)。特别是,您不能从前提条件推断出right_most+1 <= INT_MAX。即,如果您有rightmost == INT_MAX,则会遇到问题,尤其是最终的i++会溢出。为了避免这种算术上的微妙,将size_t用作leftmost并考虑rightmost是要考虑的最大偏移量之后的方法可能更简单。但是,如果您要求leftmostrightmost都严格小于INT_MAX,则可以继续进行。


最后,以下代码由WP(Frama-C 20.0钙,使用-wp -wp-rte完全证明:]

#include <limits.h>
    requires \valid(a);
    requires \valid(b);
    ensures *a == \old(*b);
    ensures *b == \old(*a);
    assigns *a,*b;
    void swap(int *a, int *b)
        int temp = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = temp;

    requires \valid(t +(leftmost..rightmost));
    requires 0 <= leftmost < INT_MAX;
    requires 0 <= rightmost < INT_MAX;
    decreases (rightmost - leftmost);
    assigns *(t+(leftmost..rightmost));
    void quickSort(int * t, int leftmost, int rightmost)
        // Base case: No need to sort arrays of length <= 1
        if (leftmost >= rightmost)
        }  // Index indicating the "split" between elements smaller than pivot and 
        // elements greater than pivot
        int pivot = t[rightmost];
        int counter = leftmost;
            loop assigns i, counter, *(t+(leftmost..rightmost));
            loop invariant 0 <= leftmost <= i <= rightmost + 1;
            loop invariant 0 <= leftmost <= counter <= i;
            loop invariant \forall int i; leftmost <= i < counter ==> t[i] <= pivot;
            loop variant rightmost - i;
        for (int i = leftmost; i <= rightmost; i++)
            if (t[i] <= pivot)
                /*@assert \valid(&t[counter]);*/
                /*@assert \valid(&t[i]);*/
                swap(&t[counter], &t[i]);

        // NOTE: counter is currently at one plus the pivot's index 
        // (Hence, the counter-2 when recursively sorting the left side of pivot)
        if (counter >= 2)
        quickSort(t, leftmost, counter-2); // Recursively sort the left side of pivot
        if (counter < INT_MAX)
        quickSort(t, counter, rightmost);   // Recursively sort the right side of pivot

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