Wagtail 4.2.2 自定义站点地图因列表失败而没有迭代器属性

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

We have upgrade from wagtail 2.15.6 to 4.1.5 custom sitemap is failing


文件“./venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/wagtail/contrib/sitemaps/sitemap_generator.py”,第 44 行,在 _urls 对于 self.paginator.page(page).object_list.iterator() 中的项目:

self.paginator.page(page).object_list 确实是一个列表


from wagtail.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap as wagtail_sitemap

available_sitemaps = {
    'cms-pages': views.CMSPagesSitemap,
    'static': views.StaticViewSitemap,

        {'sitemaps': available_sitemaps},


CMSPagesSitemap 类:

from wagtail.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap as WagtailSitemap

class CMSPagesSitemap(WagtailSitemap):
    """Extend the default Wagtail sitemap generator to skip over pages
    which use our custom authentication-required mixin.

    def items(self) -> list:
        items_qs = super().items()
        # Unfortunately we have to do some filtering in code, not at the DB.
        # It's fine for the return value to be an iterable, not a QuerySet:
        # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/contrib/sitemaps/#sitemap-class-reference

        items = [instance for instance in items_qs if AuthenticatedUserRequired not in instance.__class__.mro()]

        return items

StaticViewSitemap 类

class StaticViewSitemap(WagtailSitemap):
    """A manually curated section of the sitemap, focused
    on Django-rendered views we want search engines to know about"""

    changefreq = 'daily'


    def items(self):
        # At the moment, these are deliberately only for unauthenticated pages.
        import pdb
        url_names = [
            # TODO: replace pre-resolved URLs, above, with the proper contact view URL names
            # when they have been ported from V1 into V2
            # These were removed from the V1 sitemap because the pages were 404ing anyway because
            # FEATURE_EXPORTING_TO_UK_ON_ENABLED was not set on production any more, so the views
            # ExportingToUKDERAFormView, ExportingToUKBEISFormView and ExportingToUKFormView have
            # NOT YET been ported to Great V2
            # '/contact/department-for-business-energy-and-industrial-strategy/',
            # '/contact/department-for-environment-food-and-rural-affairs/',
            # '/contact/exporting-to-the-uk/',
            # '/contact/exporting-to-the-uk/import-controls/',
            # '/contact/exporting-to-the-uk/other/',
            # '/contact/exporting-to-the-uk/trade-with-uk-app/',
            # The following are all auto-generated from the urlconf
            'domestic:uk-export-finance-lead-generation-form',  # See location(), below
            'domestic:report-ma-barrier',  # See location(), below
        return url_names

    def changefreq(self, item):
        # The Django-rendered pages don't change very often and we can always request
        # a re-crawl if we have something we edit that we want to get out there ASAP.
        # 'Monthly' seems like a reasonable middle ground, even though it might not be
        # respected by search engines anyway
        return 'monthly'

    def location(self, item):
        if item.startswith('/'):
            return item
        elif item == 'domestic:uk-export-finance-lead-generation-form':
            return reverse(item, kwargs={'step': 'contact'})
        elif item == 'domestic:report-ma-barrier':
            return reverse(item, kwargs={'step': 'about'})
        return reverse(item)

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