
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我对 React 和 timout 函数有一个奇怪的问题。 出于某种原因,我希望将一个字符串逐个字母添加到


const [placeholder, setPlaceholder] = useState < string > ('')

useEffect(() => {
    const str = "How may I help you today?";
    const letters = Array.from(str);

    const addLetterWithDelay = (index: number) => {
        if (index < letters.length) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                setPlaceholder(prevPlaceholder => prevPlaceholder + letters[index]);
                addLetterWithDelay(index + 1);
            }, 1000); // Delay of 1 second

    addLetterWithDelay(0); // Start adding letters from index 0
}, []);

问题是字母设置了两次 所以输出将是: HHooww mmaayy II hheellpp yyououu ttooddaayy?? 即使我检查一个语句占位符的最后一个字符是否与字母[索引]相同,它仍然打印出它不相同并继续执行

reactjs for-loop duplicates

将你的 useEffect 修改为:

 useEffect(() => {
    const str = "How may I help you today?";
    const letters = Array.from(str);
    let timerId: NodeJS.Timeout; // Declare a variable to hold the timeout ID

    const addLetterWithDelay = (index: number) => {
        if (index < letters.length) {
            timerId = setTimeout(() => {
                setPlaceholder(prevPlaceholder => prevPlaceholder + letters[index]);
                addLetterWithDelay(index + 1);
            }, 1000); // Delay of 1 second

    addLetterWithDelay(0); // Start adding letters from index 0

    return () => clearTimeout(timerId); // Clear the timeout when the component is unmounted or the useEffect hook re-runs
}, []);

这样,如果您的组件重新渲染并再次调用 useEffect 钩子,则当前超时将被清除,并且 addLetterWithDelay 方法将被终止。

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