如何为 infohashes 正确索引 BitTorrent DHT?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有这段代码,但运行 12 小时后只找到 5 个 infohashes。


import DHT from 'bittorrent-dht';
import magnet from 'magnet-uri';
import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent';
import redis from 'redis';

const dht = new DHT();
const client = new WebTorrent();

// Create Redis client
const redisClient = redis.createClient({
    host: 'localhost', // Update with your Redis server configuration
    port: 6379

redisClient.on('error', function(error) {

// Seed nodes - Replace with actual seed nodes
const seedNodes = ['router.bittorrent.com:6881', 'dht.transmissionbt.com:6881'];
const knownTorrents = []; // store in db
const torrentQueue = []; // Queue to manage torrent fetching
const torrentFetchInterval = 10000; // Time interval between fetching torrents (in milliseconds)

client.on('torrent', (torrent) => {
    console.log(`Torrent added: ${torrent.infoHash}`);
    console.log(`Files: ${torrent.files.map((file) => file.name).join(', ')}`);

client.on('error', (err) => {
    console.error('Error in WebTorrent client:', err);

// Example of using Redis for shared state
function updateSharedTorrentState(torrent) {
    // Storing torrent data in Redis
    redisClient.set(torrent.infoHash, JSON.stringify(torrent), redis.print);

    // Retrieving torrent data from Redis
    redisClient.get(torrent.infoHash, (err, reply) => {
        if (err) {
        const sharedTorrent = JSON.parse(reply);
        console.log(sharedTorrent); // Do something with the shared torrent data

function processTorrentQueue() {
    if (torrentQueue.length > 0) {
        const infoHashBuffer = torrentQueue.shift(); // Get the next torrent from the queue
    setTimeout(processTorrentQueue, torrentFetchInterval);

function indexTorrent(infoHashBuffer) {
    const infoHash = infoHashBuffer.toString('hex');
    console.log('Torrent found:', infoHash);

    // Create a magnet URI using the info hash
    const magnetURI = `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${infoHash}`;

    // Check if the torrent is already being tracked
    if (client.get(magnetURI)) {
        console.log(`Torrent with infoHash ${infoHash} is already being tracked.`);
        return; // Exit the function if the torrent is already added

    // Fetch metadata using the WebTorrent client
    client.add(magnetURI, (torrent) => {
        console.log('Torrent metadata fetched:', torrent.name);

        // Add or update the torrent in the knownTorrents array
        const index = knownTorrents.findIndex((t) => t.infoHash === infoHash);

        if (index > -1) {
            knownTorrents[index] = {
                name: torrent.name // Update only specific properties
        } else {
                name: torrent.name,
                seeders: 0, // Initialize seeders and leechers
                leechers: 0

        // The 'tracker' event provides data from trackers
        torrent.on('tracker', (data) => {
            console.log(`Trackers for ${torrent.name} report: ${data.announce}`);
            console.log(`Seeders: ${data.complete}, Leechers: ${data.incomplete}`);

            // Update seeders and leechers in the knownTorrents array
            const torrentIndex = knownTorrents.findIndex((t) => t.infoHash === infoHash);
            if (torrentIndex > -1) {
                knownTorrents[torrentIndex] = {
                    seeders: data.complete,
                    leechers: data.incomplete

        // Removing the torrent after a short delay, as we only want the tracker info
        setTimeout(() => client.remove(magnetURI), 60000); // Adjust the delay as needed

    // ...

// Function to add and query nodes
function joinAndTestDHTNetwork(seedNodes) {
    console.log('Joining DHT network...');

    seedNodes.forEach((seed) => {
        const [host, port] = seed.split(':');
        dht.addNode({ host, port: parseInt(port) });

    // Test querying nodes after joining
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Testing DHT network by querying nodes...');
        dht.nodes.toArray().forEach((node) => {
            dht.lookup(node.id, (err, n) => {
                if (err) {
                    console.error(`Error querying node ${node.id}:`, err);
                } else {
                    console.log(`Node ${node.id.toString('hex')} queried successfully. Found ${n} nodes.`);
    }, 5000); // Delay to allow time for initial network join

// Handling announce events
dht.on('announce', (peer, infoHashBuffer) => {
    // Add the torrent to the queue instead of processing it immediately

// Handling new node discovery
dht.on('node', (node) => {
    console.log(`New node discovered: ${node.host}:${node.port}`);
    // Perform a lookup for a random info hash to discover more nodes and peers

// Periodically perform lookups for random info hashes
setInterval(() => {
}, 10000); // Every 10 seconds, adjust as needed

// Generate a random info hash for lookup
function generateRandomInfoHash() {
    let infoHash = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
        infoHash += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16);
    return infoHash;

setInterval(() => {
    knownTorrents.forEach((torrent) => {
        indexTorrent(Buffer.from(torrent.infoHash, 'hex'));
}, 3600000);

// Example usage

dht.listen(20000, () => {
    console.log('DHT listening on port 20000');


client.add(magnetURI, (torrent)

bittorrent dht webtorrent

您不太可能仅通过蛮力找到活跃的 infohash,因为 sha1 有很多排列。

使用 DHTSpider 等工具来获取活跃的信息哈希:


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