如何使用 Google Earth API 进行彩色屏幕截图?

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我正在 Excel VBA 中使用 Google Earth API。屏幕截图是黑白的,而不是彩色的。请建议我哪里做错了?

Dim ge As earthlib.ApplicationGE

Set ge = New ApplicationGE

Dim kmlString As Variant

kmlString = "C:\temp\test.kmz"

ge.OpenKmlFile (kmlString, 1)

Dim tPlace As earthlib.FeatureGE

Set tPlace = ge.GetTemporaryPlaces

Dim fldrPath As String, jpgName as String

fldrPath = "C:\temp\"

jpgName = fldrPath & "outJpg1.JPG"

ge.SaveScreenShot (jpgName, 100)
vba google-earth


/// \brief Takes low quality black and white screen shot /// of the current camera view. /// /// This image is not meant to be used for rapid capture and degrades /// in quality if used frequently. /// /// \param fileName Full path JPG filename of output screen shot. /// \param quality Quality factor of output image. Lowest quality is /// \c 0 and highest quality is \c 100. Input quality is always clamped /// to (\c 0, \c 100) inclusive. /// /// \retval S_OK Successfully saved screen shot. /// \retval (other) Appropriate error code. [id(5), helpstring("method SaveScreenShot")] HRESULT SaveScreenShot([in] BSTR fileName, [in] long quality);



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