当活动窗口是外部程序(LInux)时,Python 程序不监听按键

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我正在尝试让一个 Python 程序监听发送到作为子例程 (Popen) 启动的程序的击键。


此监听旨在调试无法将击键发送到程序(pyautogui、pynput、键盘,甚至 Popen)的问题。沟通不起作用。即使我自己在键盘上手动输入,Python 脚本也会忽略发送的击键。

我正在通过 Lutris 运行 Retroarch。我的电脑操作系统是Ubuntu Linux 22.04,显示管理器是Wayland。下面是代码:

from pynput import keyboard
import subprocess, time

def on_press(key):
    return False  # stop listener; remove this if want more keys

lutris = f'LUTRIS_SKIP_INIT=1 lutris/bin/lutris lutris:rungameid/3'
p = subprocess.Popen(lutris, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press)
listener.start()  # start to listen on a separate thread
listener.join()  # remove if main thread is polling self.keys


如果我将 Retroarch/Lutris 窗口聚焦(活动),则所有击键都会被忽略。

python input automation listener

你是在 Wayland 还是 x 上运行? 我可以以某种方式重现这个问题,在 wayland 上,当鼠标悬停在雷鸟上时,我会收到鼠标事件,但不会收到火狐上的事件。

您可以通过在启动 lutris 之前将 $DISPLAY 设置为正确的环境变量来修复它吗?

pynput 项目指出了一些平台限制

On Linux, pynput uses X or uinput.

When running under X, the following must be true:

    An X server must be running.
    The environment variable $DISPLAY must be set.

When running under uinput, the following must be true:

    You must run your script as root, to that is has the required permissions for uinput.

The latter requirement for X means that running pynput over SSH generally will not work. To work around that, make sure to set $DISPLAY:

$ DISPLAY=:0 python -c 'import pynput'

Please note that the value DISPLAY=:0 is just an example. To find the actual value, please launch a terminal application from your desktop environment and issue the command echo $DISPLAY.

When running under Wayland, the X server emulator Xwayland will usually run, providing limited functionality. Notably, you will only receive input events from applications running under this emulator.
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