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import pyautogui
import keyboard

# Define the coordinates of the screen position to monitor
x = 500
y = 500

# Define the RGB values for the color to detect
target_color = (255, 165, 0)

# Function to check if the 'p' key is pressed
def check_start_key():
    return keyboard.is_pressed('p')

# Wait for the start key ('p') to be pressed
while not check_start_key():

while True:
    # Check if the target color is detected at the specified position
    if pyautogui.pixel(x, y) == target_color:
        # Get the current cursor position
        cursor_x, cursor_y = pyautogui.position()

        # Perform a left mouse click at the cursor location
        pyautogui.click(cursor_x, cursor_y)
python automation colors click
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