Sqoop - ERROR tool.ImportTool:导入失败:尝试从SQL Server导入时无法转换SQL类型2005

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


sqoop import --connect "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://xxxxxxxxxx:1433;integratedSecurity=false;databaseName=xxxx;domain=xxxx" --username user -P --table notifications --split-by Id --hive-import --create-hive-table --hive-table testing.notifications --as-parquetfile --verbose


18/09/05 08:40:21 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM [notifications] AS t WHERE 1=0
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column Id of type [-5, 19, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column Dt of type [93, 23, 3]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column path of type [12, 300, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column type of type [12, 1000, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column message of type [2005, 2147483647, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column person of type [12, 100, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column stage of type [12, 100, 0]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column lastModified of type [93, 23, 3]
18/09/05 08:40:21 DEBUG util.ClassLoaderStack: Restoring classloader: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@64c64813
18/09/05 08:40:21 ERROR tool.ImportTool: Import failed: Cannot convert SQL type 2005


我需要桌子在镶木地板,我尝试使用--query参数转换DtlastModified列在timestamp(我猜时间戳是[93, 23, 3]代表)格式到这样的字符串:

--query "select Id, convert(varchar(25),Dt,120) as Dt, path, type, message, person, stage, convert(varchar(25),lastModified,120) as lastModified from dbo.notifications"


18/09/05 09:30:12 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: select Id, convert(varchar(25),Dt,120) as Dt, path, type, message, person, stage, convert(varchar(25),lastModified,120) as lastModified from dbo.notifications WHERE  (1 = 0)
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column Id of type [-5, 19, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column Dt of type [12, 25, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column path of type [12, 300, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column type of type [12, 1000, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column message of type [2005, 2147483647, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column person of type [12, 100, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column stage of type [12, 100, 0]
18/09/05 09:30:12 DEBUG manager.SqlManager: Found column lastModified of type [12, 25, 0]




sql-server hive sqoop parquet

经过一些调试,我能够弄清楚问题。我意识到错误消息:ERROR tool.ImportTool: Import failed: Cannot convert SQL type 2005具有导致问题的列的数据类型,即我的情况下的2005对应于源表中的message列。 message列是varcharmax_length = -1varchar(max)




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