。Net:如何在类中查找未使用的Fields / DataMember?

问题描述 投票:1回答:1




// <Name>Potentially dead Fields</Name>
warnif count > 0
from f in JustMyCode.Fields where   
f.NbMethodsUsingMe == 0 &&   
!f.IsPublic &&     // Although not recommended, public fields might be used by client applications of your assemblies.   
!f.IsLiteral &&    // The IL code never explicitely uses literal fields.   
!f.IsEnumValue &&  // The IL code never explicitely uses enumeration value.   
f.Name !=  "value__"  && // Field named 'value__' are relative to enumerations and the IL code never explicitely uses them.  
!f.HasAttribute("NDepend.Attributes.IsNotDeadCodeAttribute".AllowNoMatch()) &&   
!f.IsGeneratedByCompiler   // If you don't want to link NDepend.API.dll, you can use your own IsNotDeadCodeAttribute and adapt this rule.
select f


vb.net wcf datacontract ndepend


Public Class AccountInformation
    Public Property AccountNumber As String
    Public Property OtherElementQualifier As String
    Public Property OtherElementNumber As String
End Class  


Public Class AccountInformation
    Public AccountNumber As String
    Public OtherElementQualifier As String
    Public OtherElementNumber As String
End Class


// <Name>Potentially dead Fields</Name>
warnif count > 0
from f in JustMyCode.Fields where   
f.NbMethodsUsingMe == 0 &&   
//!f.IsPublic &&   Although not recommended, public fields might be used by client applications of your assemblies.   
!f.IsLiteral &&    // The IL code never explicitely uses literal fields.   
!f.IsEnumValue &&  // The IL code never explicitely uses enumeration value.   
f.Name !=  "value__"  && // Field named 'value__' are relative to enumerations and the IL code never explicitely uses them.  
!f.HasAttribute("NDepend.Attributes.IsNotDeadCodeAttribute".AllowNoMatch()) &&   
!f.IsGeneratedByCompiler   // If you don't want to link NDepend.API.dll, you can use your own IsNotDeadCodeAttribute and adapt this rule.
select f
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