我收到错误,PartialType 不适用于 updateDto

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partialType 不适用于我的 updateDto 它没有在 updateDto 中选择我的嵌套对象变量。最主要的是它唯一不适用于布尔值意味着不在 updateDto 中执行选项布尔类型 这是createDto

class PoolDTO {
  present: boolean;

  fence: string;

  @IsString({ each: true })
  location: string;
class UtilitiesDTO {
  sprinklerSystem: boolean;

  sumpPump: boolean;

  sumpPit: boolean;

  @Type(() => PoolDTO)
  pool: PoolDTO;

  spaHot: boolean;

  water: boolean;

  gas: boolean;

  electric: boolean;

  comment: string;
export class CreateDto{
   number: string;
    @Type(() => PoolDTO)
    pool: PoolDTO;

    @ValidateNested({ each: true })
    @Type(() => UtilitiesDTO)  
    utilities: UtilitiesDTO; 

这是更新 dto

import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/mapped-types';
import { CreateDto } from './create.dto';

export class UpdateDto extends PartialType(CreateDto) {}


 "messages": [
        "utilities.sprinklerSystem must be a boolean value",
        "utilities.sumpPump must be a boolean value",
        "utilities.sumpPit must be a boolean value",
        "utilities.water must be a boolean value",
        "utilities.gas must be a boolean value",
        "utilities.electric must be a boolean value"

但我用的是 PartialType PartialType() 函数返回一个类型(类),其中输入类型的所有属性都设置为可选。 我仍然收到错误,我不想写updatedto,想使用相同的createdto来更新updatedto

javascript node.js typescript nestjs typeorm

PartialType() 函数是从 @nestjs/swagger 包导入的。

import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/swagger';

export class UpdateCatDto extends PartialType(CreateCatDto) {}

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