停止 - Tradingview 中出现警报计算错误

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我在 Tradingview 上设置了基于我制作的筛选器的警报。尽管这些警报在大多数情况下运行良好,但在某些情况下我会遇到此错误:



indicator("Screener", overlay = true, max_bars_back = 500)

import sammie123567858/Indicators/9 as indicator
import jdehorty/KernelFunctions/2 as kernels
import TradingView/ta/5 as ta

// INPUTS //

u01 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01')
u02 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02')
u03 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03')
u04 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04')
u05 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05')
u06 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's06')
u07 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's07')
u08 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's08')
u09 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's09')
u10 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's10')
// u11 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's11')
// u12 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's12')
// u13 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's13')
// u14 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's14')
// u15 = input.bool(true,  title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's15')

s01 = input.symbol('EURUSD', group='Symbols', inline='s01')
s02 = input.symbol('USDJPY', group='Symbols', inline='s02')
s03 = input.symbol('GBPUSD', group='Symbols', inline='s03')
s04 = input.symbol('AUDUSD', group='Symbols', inline='s04')
s05 = input.symbol('USDCHF', group='Symbols', inline='s05')
s06 = input.symbol('USDCAD', group='Symbols', inline='s06')
s07 = input.symbol('NZDUSD', group='Symbols', inline='s07')
s08 = input.symbol('GBPJPY', group='Symbols', inline='s08')
s09 = input.symbol('EURAUD', group='Symbols', inline='s09')
s10 = input.symbol('XAUUSD', group='Symbols', inline='s10')
// s11 = input.symbol('EURNZD', group='Symbols', inline='s11')
// s12 = input.symbol('AUDGBP', group='Symbols', inline='s12')
// s13 = input.symbol('USDAUD', group='Symbols', inline='s13')
// s14 = input.symbol('CADNZD', group='Symbols', inline='s14')
// s15 = input.symbol('AUDJPY', group='Symbols', inline='s15')

// Display inputs
col_width = input.float(2, title = "Column Width (%)", group = 'Table Theme')
textSize = switch input.string("Auto", "Size", options = ['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], group = 'Table Theme')
    "Auto" => size.auto
    "Tiny" => size.tiny
    "Small" => size.small
    "Normal" => size.normal
    "Large" => size.large
    "Huge" => size.huge
location = switch input.string("Top Right", "Table Location",
 options = ['Top Right', 'Top Center', 'Top Left', 'Middle Right', 'Middle Center', 'Middle Left', 'Bottom Right', 'Bottom Center', 'Bottom Left'], group = 'Table Theme')
    "Top Right" => position.top_right
    "Top Center" => position.top_center
    "Top Left" => position.top_left
    "Middle Right" => position.middle_right
    "Middle Center" => position.middle_center
    "Middle Left" => position.middle_left
    "Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right
    "Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center
    "Bottom Left" => position.bottom_left

// timeframes
lowerTF = input.timeframe('1', 'Lower timeframe', group = 'Strategy')
higherTF = input.timeframe('5', 'Higher timeframe', group = 'Strategy')
tpRatio = input.float(0.05, 'TP Ratio')

//fast Kernel line inputs
float kernelFastWeight = input.float(8, "Rel Weight", 0 , 50, step = 0.2, group = "Fast AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelFastLookback = input.int(5, "Lookback",2 , 500, group = "Fast AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelFastRegressionStart = input.int(25, "Regression Start",2 , 400, group = "Fast AO Kernel Settings")
bool kernelFastSmooth = input.bool(true, "Smooth Line", inline = "Smooth", group = "Fast AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelFastSmoothPeriod = input.int(4, "",2 , 200, inline = "Smooth", group = "Fast AO Kernel Settings")

//slow Kernel line inputs
float kernelSlowWeight = input.float(3, "Rel Weight", 0 , 5, step = 0.2, group = "Slow AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelSlowLookback = input.int(34, "Lookback",2 , 500, group = "Slow AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelSlowRegressionStart = input.int(120, "Regression Start",2 , 400, group = "Slow AO Kernel Settings")
bool kernelSlowSmooth = input.bool(true, "Smooth Line", inline = "Smooth", group = "Slow AO Kernel Settings")
int kernelSlowSmoothPeriod = input.int(40, "",2 , 200, inline = "Smooth", group = "Slow AO Kernel Settings")

// rsi range shift inputs
rsiLengthInput = input.int(14, minval=1, title="RSI Length", group="RSI Settings")
rsiSourceInput = input.source(close, "Source", group="RSI Settings")
bullRangeTop = input.float(80, title="Bull Range Top", tooltip = 'the UPPER price level of the BULLISH range. Default is 80.', group="RSI Settings")
bullRangeBottom = input.float(60, title="Bull Range Bottom", tooltip = 'the LOWER price level of the BULLISH range. Default is 60.', group="RSI Settings")
bearRangeTop = input.float(40, title="Bear Range Top", tooltip = 'the UPPER price level of the BEARISH range. Default is 40.', group="RSI Settings")
bearRangeBottom = input.float(20, title="Bear Range Bottom", tooltip = 'the LOWER price level of the BEARISH range. Default is 20.', group="RSI Settings")


timeframeInText(string tf) =>

// Get only symbol
only_symbol(s) => 
    array.get(str.split(s, ":"), 1)

    switch s
        1  => only_symbol(s01)
        2  => only_symbol(s02)
        3  => only_symbol(s03)
        4  => only_symbol(s04)
        5  => only_symbol(s05)
        6  => only_symbol(s06)
        7  => only_symbol(s07)
        8  => only_symbol(s08)
        9  => only_symbol(s09)
        10 => only_symbol(s10)
        // 11  => only_symbol(s11)
        // 12  => only_symbol(s12)
        // 13  => only_symbol(s13)
        // 14  => only_symbol(s14)
        // 15  => only_symbol(s15)
        => na

// kernel ao oscillator indicator (this will be used for the fast kernel, slow kernel & kernel ao oscillator)
kernelFast = kernels.rationalQuadratic(close, kernelFastLookback, kernelFastWeight, kernelFastRegressionStart)
if kernelFastSmooth
    kernelFast := ta.sma(kernelFast, kernelFastSmoothPeriod)
kernelFastRising = ta.rising(kernelFast, 1)
kernelFastColor = kernelFastRising ? #542772 : #df4774

kernelSlow = kernels.rationalQuadratic(close, kernelSlowLookback, kernelSlowWeight, kernelSlowRegressionStart)
if kernelSlowSmooth
    kernelSlow := ta.sma(kernelSlow, kernelSlowSmoothPeriod)
kernelSlowRising = ta.rising(kernelSlow, 1)
kernelSlowColor = kernelSlowRising ? #542772 : #df4774

osc = kernelFast - kernelSlow
diff = osc[1] - osc[2]
isPurple = diff <= 0 ? false : true

fastKernel() =>
    kernelFastColor[1] == #542772 ? 0 : kernelFastColor[1] == #df4774 ? 1 : -1

slowKernel() =>
    kernelSlowColor[1] == #542772 ? 0 : kernelSlowColor[1] == #df4774 ? 1 : -1

kernelAO() =>
    isPurple[1] and osc[1] > 0 ? 0 : not isPurple[1] and osc[1] > 0 ? 1 : not isPurple[1] and osc[1] < 0 ? 2 : isPurple[1] and osc[1] < 0 ? 3 : -1

rsiRangeShift() =>
    rsi = indicator.rsi(rsiSourceInput, rsiLengthInput)
    bull = rsi[1] <= bullRangeTop and rsi[1] >= bullRangeBottom 
    bear = rsi[1] <= bearRangeTop and rsi[1] >= bearRangeBottom 
    neutral = rsi[1] >= bearRangeTop and rsi[1] <= bullRangeBottom 
    bull ? 0 : bear ? 1 : neutral ? 2 : -1

kernelAoSwing() =>
    [swingHigh, swingLow] = indicator.drawSwings(osc, false)
    [swingHigh, swingLow]

kernelAoSwingHigh() =>
    [swingHigh, swingLow] = kernelAoSwing()

kernelAoSwingLow() =>
    [swingHigh, swingLow] = kernelAoSwing()

screener_func() =>
    [fastKernel(), slowKernel(), kernelAO(), rsiRangeShift(), close[1], kernelAoSwingHigh(), kernelAoSwingLow(), close, high, low, bar_index]

// Set Up Matrix
screenerMtx = matrix.new<float>(0, 12, na)

screenerFun(numSym, sym, flg, tf) =>
    [fastK, slowK, ao, rangeShift, prevClosePrice, swingHigh, swingLow, currClosePRice, currHigh, currLow, barIndex] = request.security(sym, tf, screener_func()) 
    if flg 
        arr = array.from(numSym, fastK, slowK, ao, rangeShift, prevClosePrice, swingHigh, swingLow, currClosePRice, currHigh, currLow, barIndex)
        matrix.add_row(screenerMtx, matrix.rows(screenerMtx), arr)

// Security call

screenerFun(01, s01, u01, lowerTF),  screenerFun(01, s01, u01, higherTF), 
screenerFun(02, s02, u02, lowerTF),  screenerFun(02, s02, u02, higherTF),
screenerFun(03, s03, u03, lowerTF),  screenerFun(03, s03, u03, higherTF),  
screenerFun(04, s04, u04, lowerTF),  screenerFun(04, s04, u04, higherTF),
screenerFun(05, s05, u05, lowerTF),  screenerFun(05, s05, u05, higherTF),
screenerFun(06, s06, u06, lowerTF),  screenerFun(06, s06, u06, higherTF), 
screenerFun(07, s07, u07, lowerTF),  screenerFun(07, s07, u07, higherTF), 
screenerFun(08, s08, u08, lowerTF),  screenerFun(08, s08, u08, higherTF),
screenerFun(09, s09, u09, lowerTF),  screenerFun(09, s09, u09, higherTF),
screenerFun(10, s10, u10, lowerTF),  screenerFun(10, s10, u10, higherTF),
// screenerFun(11, s11, u11, lowerTF),  screenerFun(11, s11, u11, higherTF),
// screenerFun(12, s12, u12, lowerTF),  screenerFun(12, s12, u12, higherTF),
// screenerFun(13, s13, u13, lowerTF),  screenerFun(13, s13, u13, higherTF),
// screenerFun(14, s14, u14, lowerTF),  screenerFun(14, s14, u14, higherTF),
// screenerFun(15, s15, u15, lowerTF),  screenerFun(15, s15, u15, higherTF)

// PLOTS //
tpLineColor = color.new(#4dc251, 0)
slLineColor = color.new(color.red, 0)
lineWidth = 2
entryTime = str.format_time(time, "yyyy-MM-dd'_'HH:mm", timezone = 'Asia/Kolkata')

trade = bool(na)
var counter = 1 //for giving new identifiers to every new trade
string msg = ''
bool check = false
// values in tradeMtx as per column index: 
// index 0 - is currently a trade open, index 1 - entry price, index 2 - tp, index 3 - sl, index 4 - direction, index 5 - identifier, index 6 - bar index of entry, 
var tradeMtx = matrix.new<float>(41, 7, 1) 
var tbl = table.new(location, 8, 41, frame_color=#151715, frame_width=1, border_width=2, border_color=color.new(color.white, 100))

if barstate.islast
    table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, 'Sym', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, '1', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, '2', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, '3', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 4, 0, '4', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 5, 0, 'Entry', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 6, 0, 'TP', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)
    table.cell(tbl, 7, 0, 'SL', width = col_width, text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #000000, text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize)

    if matrix.rows(screenerMtx) > 0
        bool isLowerTF = true
        string txt = '' 
        string tpSlMsg = ''
        for i = 0 to matrix.rows(screenerMtx) - 1

            // indicator's signals
            fast_kernel_signal =  matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 1) 
            slow_kernel_signal =  matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 2) 
            kernel_ao_signal = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 3)
            kernel_ao_bearish = kernel_ao_signal == 2 or kernel_ao_signal == 3
            kernel_ao_bullish = kernel_ao_signal == 0 or kernel_ao_signal == 1
            range_shift_signal = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 4)

            // indicator's colors
            fast_kernel  = fast_kernel_signal == 1 ? color.red : fast_kernel_signal == 0 ? color.green : #323232 
            slow_kernel  = slow_kernel_signal == 1 ? color.red : slow_kernel_signal == 0 ? color.green : #323232 
            kernel_ao  = kernel_ao_signal == 0 ? #028239 : kernel_ao_signal == 1 ? #00e676 : kernel_ao_signal == 2 ? #a80000 : kernel_ao_signal == 3 ? color.red : #323232 
            range_shift  = range_shift_signal == 0 ? color.green : range_shift_signal == 1 ? color.red : range_shift_signal == 2 ? color.blue : #323232


            // checking if trades are getting closed
            symbol = id_symbol(matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 0))
            timeframeText = timeframeInText(isLowerTF ? lowerTF:higherTF) 
            isEntryOngoing = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0)
            direction = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 4)
            currPrice = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 8)
            currHigh = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 9)
            currLow = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 10)
            tradeTp = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 2)
            tradeSl = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 3)

            // checking if a sell got closed
            if isEntryOngoing == 0 and direction == 1 
                if currPrice >= tradeSl or currHigh >= tradeSl //if the sell hit its sl
                    entry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1)
                    timeOfEntry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6)
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 2)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 5, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 6, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell(tbl, 7, i + 1, 'Closed at SL\n' + str.tostring(tradeSl), bgcolor = #c8b50a, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    tpSlMsg += 'Sell' + '|' + 'Sl' + '|' + str.tostring(entry) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeTp) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeSl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + str.tostring(timeOfEntry) + '|' + '\n'
                if currPrice <= tradeTp or currLow <= tradeTp //if the sell hit its tp
                    entry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1)
                    timeOfEntry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6)
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 2)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 5, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 7, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell(tbl, 6, i + 1, 'Closed at TP\n' + str.tostring(tradeTp), bgcolor = #c8b50a, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    tpSlMsg += 'Sell' + '|' + 'TP' + '|' + str.tostring(entry) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeTp) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeSl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + str.tostring(timeOfEntry) + '|' + '\n'
            // checking if a buy got closed
            if isEntryOngoing == 0 and direction == 0 
                if currPrice <= tradeSl or currLow <= tradeSl //if the buy hit its sl
                    entry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1)
                    timeOfEntry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6)
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 2)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 5, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 6, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell(tbl, 7, i + 1, 'Closed at SL\n' + str.tostring(tradeSl), bgcolor = #c8b50a, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    tpSlMsg += 'Buy' + '|' + 'Sl' + '|' + str.tostring(entry) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeTp) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeSl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + str.tostring(timeOfEntry) + '|' + '\n'
                if currPrice >= tradeTp or currHigh >= tradeTp
                    entry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1)
                    timeOfEntry = matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6) //if the buy hit its tp
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 2)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 5, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell_set_bgcolor(tbl, 7, i + 1, bgcolor = #323232)
                    table.cell(tbl, 6, i + 1, 'Closed at TP\n' + str.tostring(tradeTp), bgcolor = #c8b50a, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    tpSlMsg += 'Buy' + '|' + 'TP' + '|' + str.tostring(entry) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeTp) + '|' + str.tostring(tradeSl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + str.tostring(timeOfEntry) + '|' + '\n'


            // plot the row
            table.cell(tbl, 0, i + 1, symbol + ' ' + timeframeText, text_halign = text.align_left, bgcolor = #dcc200, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
            table.cell(tbl, 1, i + 1, '', bgcolor = fast_kernel)
            table.cell(tbl, 2, i + 1, '', bgcolor = slow_kernel)
            table.cell(tbl, 3, i + 1, '', bgcolor = kernel_ao)
            table.cell(tbl, 4, i + 1, '', bgcolor = range_shift)
            if matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0) == 1 //if there is no trade in this row then colour it gray
                table.cell(tbl, 5, i + 1, '', bgcolor = #323232)
                table.cell(tbl, 6, i + 1, '', bgcolor = #323232)
                table.cell(tbl, 7, i + 1, '', bgcolor = #323232)

            // alerts & signals
            isEntryOngoing := matrix.get(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0)
            closePrice = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 5)

            //this is to signal that there is no trade
            if isEntryOngoing == 1 or isEntryOngoing == 2
                // if there is a sell signal in this particular symbol & timeframe
                if fast_kernel_signal == 1 and slow_kernel_signal == 1 and (kernel_ao_bearish or range_shift_signal == 1)   
                    barIndex = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 11) 
                    sl = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 6)
                    tp = closePrice > sl ? closePrice - ((closePrice-sl)*tpRatio) : closePrice - ((sl-closePrice)*tpRatio)
                    txt := txt + 'Sell' + '|' + str.tostring(closePrice) + '|' + str.tostring(tp) + '|' + str.tostring(sl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + entryTime + '\n'

                    table.cell(tbl, 5, i + 1, 'Sell \n'+str.tostring(closePrice), bgcolor = color.red, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    table.cell(tbl, 6, i + 1, str.tostring(tp), bgcolor = color.red, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    table.cell(tbl, 7, i + 1, str.tostring(sl), bgcolor = color.red, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 0) //this is to signal that there is currently a trade open
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1, closePrice) //entry price
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 2, tp) //tp
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 3, sl) //sl
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 4, 1) //direction of the trade (buy/sell) 1 is for sell, 0 is for buy
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 5, counter) //assigning an identifier to this new trade
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6, barIndex) //bar of the entry
                    counter += 1

            if isEntryOngoing == 1  or isEntryOngoing == 2 //this is to signal that there is no trade 
                // if there is a buy signal in this particular symbol & timeframe
                if fast_kernel_signal == 0 and slow_kernel_signal == 0 and (kernel_ao_bullish or range_shift_signal == 0)  
                    barIndex = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 11) 
                    sl = matrix.get(screenerMtx, i, 7)
                    tp = closePrice > sl ? closePrice + ((closePrice-sl)*tpRatio) : closePrice + ((sl-closePrice)*tpRatio)
                    txt := txt + 'Buy' + '|' + str.tostring(closePrice) + '|' + str.tostring(tp) + '|' + str.tostring(sl) + '|' + symbol + '|' + timeframeText + '|' + entryTime + '\n'

                    table.cell(tbl, 5, i + 1, 'Buy \n'+str.tostring(closePrice), bgcolor = color.green, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    table.cell(tbl, 6, i + 1, str.tostring(tp), bgcolor = color.green, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    table.cell(tbl, 7, i + 1, str.tostring(sl), bgcolor = color.green, text_color = #000000, text_size = textSize)
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 0, 0) //this is to signal that there is currently a trade open
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 1, closePrice) //entry price
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 2, tp) //tp
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 3, sl) //sl
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 4, 0) //direction of the trade (buy/sell) 1 is for sell, 0 is for buy
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 5, counter) //assigning an identifier to this new trade
                    matrix.set(tradeMtx, i + 1, 6, barIndex) //bar of the entry
                    counter += 1

            // changing the timeframe
            isLowerTF := isLowerTF ? false:true
        msg += tpSlMsg
        msg += txt
    if msg != ''
        alert(msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar)


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