使用深度图和法线图像在 Flutter/Dart 中将视差图像显示为壁纸

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我想在 flutter 中使用深度图创建视差效果 3D 图像。当用户标题时,手机的陀螺仪传感器将用于创建 3D 效果。创建视差图像并将其显示在屏幕上背后的逻辑是什么? 谢谢


double offsetX = 0.0;
  double offsetY = 0.0;

  late StreamSubscription<GyroscopeEvent> gyroscopeSubscription;

  void initState() {
    // Start listening to gyroscope data
    gyroscopeSubscription = gyroscopeEvents.listen((GyroscopeEvent event) {
      // Update the position based on gyroscope data
      setState(() {
        offsetX = event.y; // Adjust based on your preferred axis
        offsetY = event.x; // Adjust based on your preferred axis

  void dispose() {
    // Stop listening to gyroscope data when the widget is disposed

  Future<MemoryImage> createParallaxImage(String imagePath, String depthMapPath) async {
    final ByteData data = await rootBundle.load(depthMapPath);
    final Uint8List depthMapBytes = data.buffer.asUint8List();

    final ByteData imageData = await rootBundle.load(imagePath);
    final Uint8List imageBytes = imageData.buffer.asUint8List();

    final Uint8List resultBytes = applyParallaxEffect(imageBytes, depthMapBytes);

    return MemoryImage(resultBytes);

  double scaleFactor = 10.0;
  Uint8List applyParallaxEffect(Uint8List imageBytes, Uint8List depthMapBytes) {
    // Image dimensions (adjust based on your image)
    int width = 300;
    int height = 300;

    // Scaling factor for parallax effect

    // Create a copy of the original image
    Uint8List resultBytes = Uint8List.fromList(imageBytes);

    // Iterate over each pixel in the image
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        // Calculate the index for the current pixel
        int index = (i * width + j) * 4;

        // Extract intensity from the depth map
        int depthIndex = (i * width + j) * 4;
        int depth = depthMapBytes[depthIndex];

        // Shift the pixel horizontally based on the depth
        int shiftedIndex = index + depth;
        if (shiftedIndex < resultBytes.length) {
          resultBytes[shiftedIndex] = imageBytes[index];
          resultBytes[shiftedIndex + 1] = imageBytes[index + 1];
          resultBytes[shiftedIndex + 2] = imageBytes[index + 2];
          resultBytes[shiftedIndex + 3] = imageBytes[index + 3];

    return resultBytes;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: Transform(
        transform: Matrix4.translationValues(offsetX * scaleFactor, offsetY * scaleFactor, 0),
        child: FutureBuilder<MemoryImage>(
          future: createParallaxImage(
            Images.bb1, // Replace with the path to your visible image
            Images.bb1depth, // Replace with the path to your depth map
          builder: (context, snapshot) {
            if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done && snapshot.hasData) {
              return Image.memory(
                width: 300, // Adjust based on your image dimensions
                height: 300, // Adjust based on your image dimensions
            } else {
              return const CircularProgressIndicator();
flutter dart flutter-dependencies dart-pub

如果没有视觉参考(gif 或视频就更好了),我很难理解你真正想要什么。但您是否正在寻找倾斜视差悬停效果?示例可以在这里找到:


如果是,您可以使用 flutter_tilt 包: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_tilt

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