使用 van Genuchten 模型绘制土壤保水曲线

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%我正在尝试使用 MATLAB 中的 van Genuchten 模型绘制土壤保水曲线。 %我已从 Excel 文件加载数据并应用模型方程。然而,我在将模型拟合到观察到的 theta 值并绘制结果方面面临着问题。这是代码:

% Load data from Excel file

   ` EV = readtable('Retention.xlsx', 'Sheet', 1);
      CB1 = EV(1:38, :);`your text`
     theta = CB1.SWC_A / 100;  % to change the data in decimale point
     h = CB1.psi;`
% Parameters obtained from previous experiments
  ` theta_r = 0.070; % Residual water content
   theta_s = 0.434; % Saturated water content
   alpha = -3.402; % air-entry value
   n = 0.3273; % Pore size distribution parameter
   m = 3.4195; % Empirical parameter`

%Calculate theta_c using the model equation ((van Genuchten model)
  `theta_c = theta_r + ((theta_s - theta_r) ./ (1 + alpha * abs(h)).^n).^m;`

% Fitting the model to the observed theta values (not theta_c)
`fitType = fittype('a * (x^b)');
 fitOptions = fitoptions(fitType);
 fitOptions.StartPoint = [1 1];
 fittedModel = fit(h, theta, fitType, fitOptions);`

% Calculate fitted theta values using the fitted model
  `fittedTheta = fittedModel(h);

  hold on;
  scatter(h, theta, 'filled', 'DisplayName', 'Data');
  plot(h, fittedTheta, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1); % Fitted curve
  xlabel('Pressure Head (h)');
  ylabel('Volumetric Moisture Content (\theta)');
  legend('Location', 'SouthEast');
  box on;%%% `


matlab plot curve

您的样本数据没有排序,因此当您重新使用 x 轴的粗略


拟合曲线的要点是我们没有脱离采样的分析函数,那么,为什么要使用粗分散的 x 轴值呢? 您只需创建一个新值的线性空间来绘制


h_smooth = linspace(min(h), max(h), 1000);  % for a nice smooth plot
fittedTheta = fittedModel(h_smooth);

hold on;
scatter(h, theta, 'filled', 'DisplayName', 'Data');
plot(h, fittedTheta, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1);
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