使用 PHP 检查字符串是否包含数组中单词的任何实例

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如果输入中的“唯一单词”被禁止,我就可以让它工作。但是,如果它包含正常单词和禁用单词,则表单提交将通过。 我确实知道禁用词数据库工作正常,因为我有测试代码来输出所有这些词


// array of banned words to filter; comes from DB $disallowed_terms = Array(); $disallowed = $ww_mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM nl_filters"); $disallowed->bind_param('s', $Filter); $disallowed->execute(); $s_result = $disallowed->get_result(); // check each input for banned words while ($row = $s_result->fetch_assoc()) { $disallowed_terms[] = $row; // only wrote this for $sprequests for testing // strpos() doesn't seem to the right method here $sprequests_check = strpos($sprequests,$disallowed); if (in_array($sprequests_check,$row) !== false) { // adding anything to $reasons will cause submission to fail $reasons .= '|error'; } if (in_array($theirname,$row) !== false) { $reasons .= '|error'; } if (in_array($email,$row) !== false) { $reasons .= '|error'; } if (in_array($phone,$row) !== false) { $reasons .= '|error'; } }


php validation filter


我简化了示例的代码,因此 $disallowed_terms 是一个静态数组,输入也是一个静态数组。请随意修改代码以匹配您的项目。


<?php // Example disallowed terms, you would get these from the database $disallowed_terms = [ "bad", "evil", "crazy" ]; //example inputs from the user $inputs = [ "I like bad things", "I like good things", "I like ok things", "I like evil, things", " I like-crazy.things ", ]; $disallowed_terms_pattern = create_disallowed_terms_regex($disallowed_terms); // get the regex that will be used // echo $disallowed_terms_pattern; // Outputs: /(bad|evil|crazy)/ // Test each input from user and echo the result foreach ($inputs as $input){ if(contains_disallowed_term($input,$disallowed_terms_pattern)){ // call function to check if input contains disallowed term // disallowed term found echo "NOT GOOD -".$input."<br>"; }else{ // disallowed term NOT found echo "OK -". $input."<br>"; } } /* SAMPLE OUTPUT: NOT GOOD -I like bad things OK -I like good things OK -I like ok things NOT GOOD -I like evil, things NOT GOOD - I like-crazy.things */ // create regex pattern string that will contain all the disallowed terms eg. Outputs: /(bad|evil|crazy)/ function create_disallowed_terms_regex($disallowed_terms){ $regex = '/('; foreach ($disallowed_terms as $term){ $regex.=$term.'|'; } $regex = rtrim($regex,'|'); // remove | from end of string $regex .= ')/'; return $regex; } function contains_disallowed_term($input,$disallowed_terms_pattern){ // Replace all special characters with spaces, this stops inputs like i'am-not-crazy;) from getting passed the regex $input = preg_replace('/[^\w\s]/', ' ', $input); $input_terms = explode(" ", $input); // explode the input string into an array using spaces as a seperator foreach ($input_terms as $term){ // go over each term in the input if(preg_match($disallowed_terms_pattern, $term)){ return true; // if it matches a word in disallowed list return true; } } //term didn't match disallowed term, return false return false; } ?>

此解决方案的明显限制是它无法检测像“cr*zy”这样的单词,因为它删除了 * 并将其替换为空格。另一方面,它会检测到像这样的“.:thats-crazy:.”这样的“crazy”一词。

如果某些不允许的单词包含特殊字符,则解决方案可能也需要修改。由于 create_disallowed_terms_regex() 函数可能会中断,并且永远不会检测到具有特殊字符的单词,因为解决方案会从输入中删除特殊字符。这两个问题都可以通过微小的改变来缓解。

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