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我正在使用LodePNG将位图DIB转换为内存中的PNG。 LodePNG提供以下功能:

bool decode_bitmap(std::vector<unsigned char>& image, unsigned& w, unsigned& h, const std::vector<unsigned char>& bmp)
    if (bmp.size() <= 54/*minimum BMP header size*/)
        return false;

    // read width and height from BMP header
    w = bmp[18] + bmp[19] * 256;
    h = bmp[22] + bmp[23] * 256;

    // get the channel from the BMP header (we are parsing a 24-bit image header)
    if (bmp[28] != 24)
        return false;

    unsigned num_channels = bmp[28] / 8, scan_line_bytes = w * num_channels;
    if (scan_line_bytes % 4 != 0)
        scan_line_bytes = (scan_line_bytes / 4) * 4 + 4;

    unsigned data_size = scan_line_bytes * h, pixel_offset = bmp[10] + 256 * bmp[11];
    if (bmp.size() < data_size + pixel_offset)
        // BMP file too small to contain all pixels
        return false;

    image.resize(w * h * 4);
    for (unsigned y = 0; y < h; y++)
        for (unsigned x = 0; x < w; x++)
            // pixel start byte position in the BMP
            unsigned bmpos = pixel_offset + (h - y - 1) * scan_line_bytes + num_channels * x;
            // pixel start byte position in the new raw image
            unsigned newpos = 4 * y * w + 4 * x;
            // 24-bit image doesnt contain alpha-channel, so we can add it manually (PNG requirement)
            image[newpos + 0] = bmp[bmpos + 2]; //R
            image[newpos + 1] = bmp[bmpos + 1]; //G
            image[newpos + 2] = bmp[bmpos + 0]; //B
            image[newpos + 3] = 255;            //A
    return true;




c++ winapi lodepng
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