使用支持 Shadow DOM 的纯 JavaScript 模拟 Tab 键按下

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注意: here 和其他地方都存在现有问题,但它们都是特定于 jQuery 的,并且没有涵盖纯 JavaScript 的规范答案,包括对 Web 组件的支持。

我想模拟按 Tab 键,以便焦点转移到 Tab 键顺序中的下一个元素。下一个元素可以是任何可聚焦的 HTML 元素或带有

的元素。这也需要在某些后代 HTML 元素可能是带有影子 DOM 的自定义 Web 组件的情况下工作。


javascript web-component shadow-dom tabindex focusable


document.activeElement.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keypress", { 
    key: "Tab" 
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Find all the elements that have a tabindex set, 
// I would keep this file scoped for performance sake
// ------------------------------------------------------
const tabElements = Array.from(document
    // Get all elements that can be focusable
  .querySelectorAll('a, button, input, textarea, select, details, [tabindex]'))
  // remove any that have a tabIndex of -1
  .filter(element => element.tabIndex > -1)
  // split elements into two arrays, explicit tabIndexs and implicit ones
  .reduce((prev, next) => {  
      return next.tabIndex > 0
        ? [[...prev[0], next].sort((a, b) => a.tabIndex > b.tabIndex ? -1 : 1), prev[1]]
        : [prev[0], [...prev[1], next]];
      }, [[], []])
  // flatten the two-dimensional array
    .flatMap(element => element);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to find the next element to focus and change the focus to that element
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const DispatchTab = () => {

    // If the current focused element is a -1 then we wont find the index in the elements list, got to the start
    if (document.activeElement.tabIndex === -1) {

    // find the current index in the tab list of the currently focused element
    const currentIndex = tabElements.findIndex(e => e === document.activeElement);

  // get the next element in the list ("%" will loop the index around to 0)
  const nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % tabElements.length;

我创建了一个 JS 小提琴,其方法根本不使用 KeyboardEvent。它可能需要根据您的喜好进行调整,但应该可以完成工作。我觉得选项卡示例

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