如何通过无服务器标记和 vpc 自定义资源 lambda?

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将 lambda 和 APIGateway 部署到 AWS。我发现无服务器在部署期间创建了一个随机名称的 lambda。就是附加一些apigateway调用lambda所需的角色策略

我正在寻找的是如何在那些自动生成的 lambda 上添加标签。以及如何在这些 lambda 上附加 VPC?

我尝试将标签和 vpc 放在



'use strict';

const { awsRequest, wait } = require('../utils');
const { getEnvironment, handlerWrapper } = require('../utils');

async function handler(event, context) {
  if (event.RequestType === 'Create') {
    return create(event, context);
  } else if (event.RequestType === 'Update') {
    return update(event, context);
  } else if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') {
    return remove(event, context);
  throw new Error(`Unhandled RequestType ${event.RequestType}`);

async function create(event, context) {
  const { RoleArn } = event.ResourceProperties;
  const { Partition: partition, AccountId: accountId, Region: region } = getEnvironment(context);

  const assignedRoleArn = (
    await awsRequest({ name: 'APIGateway', params: { region } }, 'getAccount')

  let roleArn = `arn:${partition}:iam::${accountId}:role/serverlessApiGatewayCloudWatchRole`;
  if (RoleArn) {
    // if there's a roleArn in the Resource Properties, just re-use it here
    roleArn = RoleArn;
  } else {
    // Create an own API Gateway role if the roleArn was not set via Resource Properties
    const apiGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogsPolicyArn = `arn:${partition}:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs`;

    const roleName = roleArn.slice(roleArn.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

    const attachedPolicies = await (async () => {
      try {
        return (await awsRequest('IAM', 'listAttachedRolePolicies', { RoleName: roleName }))
      } catch (error) {
        if (error.code === 'NoSuchEntity') {
          // Role doesn't exist yet, create;
          await awsRequest('IAM', 'createRole', {
            AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({
              Version: '2012-10-17',
              Statement: [
                  Effect: 'Allow',
                  Principal: {
                    Service: ['apigateway.amazonaws.com'],
                  Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'],
            Path: '/',
            RoleName: roleName,
          return [];
        throw error;

    if (
        (policy) => policy.PolicyArn === apiGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogsPolicyArn
    ) {
      await awsRequest('IAM', 'attachRolePolicy', {
        PolicyArn: apiGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogsPolicyArn,
        RoleName: roleName,

  // there's nothing to do if the role is the same
  if (roleArn === assignedRoleArn) return null;

  const updateAccount = async (counter = 1) => {
    try {
      await awsRequest({ name: 'APIGateway', params: { region } }, 'updateAccount', {
        patchOperations: [
            op: 'replace',
            path: '/cloudwatchRoleArn',
            value: roleArn,
    } catch (error) {
      if (counter < 10) {
        // Observed fails with errors marked as non-retryable. Still they're outcome of
        // temporary state where just created AWS role is not being ready for use (yet)
        await wait(10000);
        return updateAccount(++counter);
      throw error;
    return null;

  return updateAccount();

function update() {
  // No actions

function remove() {
  // No actions

module.exports = {
  handler: handlerWrapper(handler, 'CustomResourceApiGatewayAccountCloudWatchRole'),

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