Console.Log in Apps Script 返回正确的顺序,但 Google Sheets 不返回

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在为我所属的游戏组织创建一张表格。我正在尝试根据游戏中角色的特征对名称列表进行排序。通过 Console.log() 检查特定排序函数的输出后,我看到了正确的顺序。但是,当我在 Google 表格中使用相同的公式时,自定义顺序将被忽略,并且我收到的顺序就好像排序从未发生过一样。


const BOSSES = ['Magmaw','Omnotron Defense System','Chimaeron','Atramedes','Maloriak','Nefarian','Halfus Wyrmbreaker','Valiona and Theralion','Ascendant Council','Cho\'gall','Sinestra','Conclave of Wind','Al\'Akir'];
const CLASSES = ['Death Knight', 'Druid', 'Hunter', 'Mage', 'Paladin', 'Priest', 'Rogue', 'Shaman', 'Warlock', 'Warrior'];
const ROLES = ['Tank','Healer','Melee','Ranged'];
const SPECID = {
    250: { class: "Death Knight", spec: "Blood", role: "Tank" },
    251: { class: "Death Knight", spec: "Frost", role: "Melee" },
    252: { class: "Death Knight", spec: "Unholy", role: "Melee" },
    102: { class: "Druid", spec: "Balance", role: "Ranged" },
    103: { class: "Druid", spec: "Feral", role: "Melee" },
    104: { class: "Druid", spec: "Guardian", role: "Tank" },
    105: { class: "Druid", spec: "Restoration", role: "Healer" },
    253: { class: "Hunter", spec: "Beast Mastery", role: "Ranged" },
    254: { class: "Hunter", spec: "Marksmanship", role: "Ranged" },
    255: { class: "Hunter", spec: "Survival", role: "Ranged" },
    62 : { class: "Mage", spec: "Arcane", role: "Ranged" },
    63 : { class: "Mage", spec: "Fire", role: "Ranged" },
    64 : { class: "Mage", spec: "Frost", role: "Ranged" },
    65 : { class: "Paladin", spec: "Holy", role: "Healer" },
    66 : { class: "Paladin", spec: "Protection", role: "Tank" },
    70 : { class: "Paladin", spec: "Retribution", role: "Melee" },
    256: { class: "Priest", spec: "Discipline", role: "Healer" },
    257: { class: "Priest", spec: "Holy", role: "Healer" },
    258: { class: "Priest", spec: "Shadow", role: "Ranged" },
    259: { class: "Rogue", spec: "Assassination", role: "Melee" },
    260: { class: "Rogue", spec: "Combat", role: "Melee" },
    261: { class: "Rogue", spec: "Subtlety", role: "Melee" },
    262: { class: "Shaman", spec: "Elemental", role: "Ranged" },
    263: { class: "Shaman", spec: "Enhancement", role: "Melee" },
    264: { class: "Shaman", spec: "Restoration", role: "Healer" },
    265: { class: "Warlock", spec: "Affliction", role: "Ranged" },
    266: { class: "Warlock", spec: "Demonology", role: "Ranged" },
    267: { class: "Warlock", spec: "Destruction", role: "Ranged" },
    71 : { class: "Warrior", spec: "Arms", role: "Melee" },
    72 : { class: "Warrior", spec: "Fury", role: "Melee" },
    73 : { class: "Warrior", spec: "Protection", role: "Tank" },

const SHEET = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const SHEET_ROSTER = SHEET.getSheetByName('ROSTER');
const SHEET_COMP = SHEET.getSheetByName('COMP');
const RANGE_ROSTER = SHEET_ROSTER.getRange(2, 1, SHEET_ROSTER.getLastRow() - 1, SHEET_ROSTER.getLastColumn()).getValues();
const RANGE_COMP = SHEET_COMP.getRange(1, 1, SHEET_COMP.getLastRow(), SHEET_COMP.getLastColumn()).getValues();

const ROSTER =[nick, char, specid, parse]) => ({ nick, char, specid, parse }));
const COMPS = RANGE_COMP[0].map((_, colIndex) => => row[colIndex]));

function test() {

function getDataBySpecID(specid, key) {
    const data = SPECID[specid];
    return data ? data[key] : 'Unknown';

function getData(nick, key) {
    const data = ROSTER.find(row => row.nick === nick);
    return data ? data[key] || getDataBySpecID(data.specid, key) : 'Unknown';

function setSortedNicks(comp, customOrder = ROLES) {
  const roleIndices = new Map();
  const dataMap = new Map();

  // Pre-compute role indices and dataMap for faster sorting
  for (const nick of comp) {
    const role = getData(nick, 'role');
    const roleIndex = customOrder.indexOf(role);
    const class_ = getData(nick, 'class');
    dataMap.set(nick, { roleIndex, class_ });
    roleIndices.set(nick, roleIndex);

  comp.sort((a, b) => {
    const aData = dataMap.get(a);
    const bData = dataMap.get(b);

    // Sort by role indices
    const roleDiff = aData.roleIndex - bData.roleIndex;
    if (roleDiff !== 0) return roleDiff;

    // If roles are the same, sort by class
    return aData.class_.localeCompare(bData.class_);

  return comp;

function getRolesFromComp(boss, role, ...roles) {
    return COMPS[boss].filter(nick => role === getData(nick, 'role') || roles.includes(getData(nick, 'role')));

function getSpecsFromComp(boss, spec, ...specs) {
    return COMPS[boss].filter(nick => spec === getData(nick, 'spec') || specs.includes(getData(nick, 'spec')));

比较的数据位于代码标题中引用的两个不同的工作表上。除了 Google Sheets 本身内部的 setSortedNicks() 之外,一切似乎都运行良好。我一直在寻找解决方案一段时间,但找不到。我遇到的最好的事情是表格公式不能很好地处理对象并且更喜欢数组。任何获得正确类型的尝试最终都失败了。我很茫然,任何帮助将不胜感激。

google-sheets google-apps-script google-sheets-formula

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