如何为Leetcode 1423可以从卡中获得的最大积分优化蛮力递归方法

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


There are several cards arranged in a row, and each card has an associated number of points. 
The points are given in the integer array cardPoints. In one step, you can take one card from the beginning or from the end of the row. 
You have to take exactly k cards. Your score is the sum of the points of the cards you have taken.

Return the maximum score you can obtain.

Sample testcases
cardPoints = [1,2,3,4,5,6,1], k = 3 => Output is 12
cardPoints = [2,2,2], k = 2 => Output is 4
cardPoints = [9,7,7,9,7,7,9], k = 7 => Output is 55
cardPoints = [1,1000,1], k = 1 => Output is 1

查看讨论论坛后,我意识到可以将其转换为滑动窗口问题,我们必须找到smallest subarray sum of length len(cardPoints) - k。虽然我确实了解这一点,我尝试的最初方法是蛮力递归,并使用动态编程(内存化)来缓存中间结果。尽管如此,它仍然会导致超时。使用这种方法,我还有其他优化方法可以使我的代码运行得更快吗?

class Solution {
    int maxScoreUtil(int left, int right,vector<int>& cardPoints, int k,vector<vector<int>>& dp){
        if(k == 0 || left == cardPoints.size() || right < 0)
            return 0;

        if(dp[left][right] != -1)
            return dp[left][right];

        int val_1 = maxScoreUtil(left+1,right,cardPoints,k-1,dp) + cardPoints[left];
        int val_2 = maxScoreUtil(left,right-1,cardPoints,k-1,dp) + cardPoints[right];

        return dp[left][right] = max(val_1,val_2);

    int maxScore(vector<int>& cardPoints, int k) {
        int n = cardPoints.size();
        vector<vector<int>> dp(n+1, vector<int>(n+1, -1));
        return maxScoreUtil(0,n-1,cardPoints,k,dp);




dynamic-programming memoization problem-solving leetcode


The possible combinations will be:
0.  0 card picked up from rightmost, K cards picked up from leftmost
1.  1 card picked up from rightmost, K-1 cards picked up from leftmost
2.  2 cards picked up from rightmost, K-2 cards picked up from leftmost
3.  3 cards picked up from rightmost, K-3 cards picked up from leftmost
k.   K cards picked up from rightmost, 0 card picked up from leftmost

因此您可以计算前缀总和,并在O(1)时间内找出所有上述K + 1组合。为此,总时间复杂度为O(k),而O(n)中的前缀和计算。由于N> = k,所以时间复杂度O(n)

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