如何删除 R plot_ly 等高线图中的重复图例?

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如何删除此代码中创建的 4 个图例。每个子图一个。它看起来像是一个直接的解决方案,但出于某种原因,我尝试的一切似乎都不起作用?以下是我要修复的代码:


VSL <- c(79000, 161000, 327000)
SCC <- c(35, 50, 200)

z_data <- list(
  fig1 = matrix(
    c(0.83, 1.18, 4.69, 0.85, 1.20, 4.71, 0.88, 1.23, 4.74), 
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3),
  fig2 = matrix(
    c(0.77, 1.09, 4.31, 0.78, 1.1, 4.33, 0.81, 1.13, 4.36), 
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3),
  fig3 = matrix(
    c(0.68, 0.97, 3.85, 0.70, 0.98, 3.87, 0.72, 1.01, 3.89), 
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3),
  fig4 = matrix(
    c(0.64, 0.91, 3.60, 0.65, 0.92, 3.61, 0.67, 0.94, 3.63), 
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3))

# Define the contour properties; `start`/`end` define the min/max
# values of the shown contour range
contours <- list(
  showlabels = TRUE,
  start = floor(min(unlist(z_data))),
  end = ceiling(max(unlist(z_data))),
  labelfont = list(size = 20, color = "black"),
  size = 0.2)

m <- list(l=100, r=20, b=100, t=100) # l = left; r = right; t = top; b = bottom

# Create a `list` of `plot_ly` objects
lst <- lapply(z_data, function(z) {
    x = ~VSL, y = ~SCC, z = z,
    type = "contour",
    #coloraxis = "coloraxis", # removed 1
    colorbar = list(tickfont = list(size = 20)), # added 2
    contours = contours) %>%
      xaxis = list(tickfont = list(size = 20)), 
      yaxis = list(
        tickfont = list(size = 20),
        title_font = list(size = 22) # Specify font size for y-axis title

# `subplot` accepts a `list` of `plot_ly` objects 
fig <- subplot(lst, shareY = TRUE)

r plotly legend contour colorbar
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