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我正在尝试使用get requestbearer token发送到受保护的路由,并且即使在通过标头发送令牌之后它也会返回unautorized

我在节点js中使用bearer token,使用mlab远程数据库表达js app我注册了新用户,然后我使用该电子邮件登录并向我发送了一个令牌(如预期的那样)。




first I registered


login request 2nd

3)失败的qazxsw poi路线qazxsw poi,并返回Unauthorized。

get request



数据成功存储在远程db user.js,但我无法弄清楚是什么问题。 // users.js for authentication and authorization const express = require("express"); const router = express.Router(); const gravatar = require("gravatar"); const bcrypt = require("bcryptjs"); const keys = require("../../config/keys"); const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const passport = require("passport"); // Load User Model to check existing email is used for registration or not? const User = require("../../models/User"); // @route GET request to api/users/test // @description Tests users route // @access Public, without login router.get("/test", (req, res) => res.json({ msg: "Users Works" })); // @route GET request to api/users/register // @description new registration of user. // @access Public, without login first register router.post("/register", (req, res) => { User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }).then(user => { if (user) { return res.status(400).json({ email: "Email value exists already." }); } else { console.log("no user found of this email in DB"); const avatar = gravatar.url(req.body.email, { s: "200", //Size of gravatar in pixels r: "pg", //rating, d: "mm" //default value= 'mm' }); // create user const newUser = new User({ name: req.body.name, email: req.body.email, avatar, password: req.body.password }); // gensalt(noOfSalts_of_Iterations,(err,salt_result)=>{}) bcrypt.genSalt(10, (err, salt) => { // hash(plaintext,salt,callback(err,resultant ciphertext)) bcrypt.hash(newUser.password, salt, (err, hash) => { if (err) { console.log("error in bcrypt.hash()"); throw err; } //assign salted hash to password newUser.password = hash; // Save new password in datebase, overriding plaintext; newUser .save() .then(user => res.json(user)) // if yes,then send it as argument in brackets. .catch(err => console.log("Error occured in saving hash password in DB\n") ); }); }); } }); }); // @route GET request to api/users/login // @description Login/signing-in registered user. return JWT token // @access Public router.post("/login", (req, res) => { const email = req.body.email; const password = req.body.password; // find user to match it's password User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }).then(user => { //check if no user if (!user) { return res.status(404).json({ email: "User's email found." }); } // else if do this.. // if user's email-id is found then match it's password-hash with local-database bcrypt.compare(password, user.password).then(isMatch => { if (isMatch) { // user pswd matched => then return JWT token back for authentication // res.json({ msg: "Success" }); const payload = { it: user.id, name: user.name, avatar: user.avatar }; // created JWT token // now sign token // jwt.sign(payload, secretKey, expire-time, callback ); // jwt.sign jwt.sign( payload, keys.secretOrKey, { expiresIn: 3600 }, (err, token) => { res.json({ success: true, token: "bearer " + token }); } ); } else { // pswd doesn't matched return res.status(400).json({ password: "Password didn't match" }); } }); }); }); // @route GET request to api/users/current - current user with token // @description Return current user // @access Private, can't go without login router.get( "/current", passport.authenticate("jwt", { session: false }), (req, res) => { res.json({ msg: "Success" }); } ); module.exports = router;


node.js mongodb express bearer-token






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