在 R Shiny 中,如何制作一个复选框表,该表还具有针对各个行/列的“全选”复选框?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
使用 R Shiny,我想显示一个表格(例如通过“DT”包),其中每个单元格包含一个复选框。在每行和列标题旁边,我想显示一个“全选”/“主复选框”,选择该复选框后,将选择相应行或列中的所有复选框。作为附加功能,左上角单元格中的复选框将选择表中的所有复选框。一个例子:





library(shiny) library(DT) ui <- fluidPage( # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) names(dat) <- c( as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")) ) row_names <- LETTERS[1:6] rownames(dat) <- row_names output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, escape = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ) ), callback = JS( "$('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});", "$('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});", "$('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});" ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
这是一个开始,但我无法弄清楚如何在行旁边获得主复选框,也无法在所有框的左上角找到一个主复选框。另外,整个东西有点大 - 如果能更紧凑就更好了。

javascript r checkbox shiny dt
library(shiny) library(DT) rowName <- function(L) { as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("row", L), label = L, width = "150px") ) } rowNames <- vapply(LETTERS[1:6], rowName, character(1)) ui <- fluidPage( # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) names(dat) <- c( as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")) ) rownames(dat) <- rowNames output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, escape = FALSE, select = "none", options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ), initComplete = JS( "function() {", " $('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowA').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-A]');", " var checked = $('#rowA').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowB').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-B]');", " var checked = $('#rowB').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowC').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-C]');", " var checked = $('#rowC').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowD').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-D]');", " var checked = $('#rowD').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowE').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-E]');", " var checked = $('#rowE').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowF').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-F]');", " var checked = $('#rowF').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", "}" ), preDrawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'), drawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); } ') ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)


library(shiny) library(DT) library(htmltools) rowName <- function(L) { as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("row", L), label = L, width = "150px") ) } rowNames <- vapply(LETTERS[1:6], rowName, character(1)) sketch <- htmltools::withTags( table( class = "display", thead( tr( th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("allboxes", label = "ALL", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")))) ) ) ) ) ui <- fluidPage( br(), # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) rownames(dat) <- rowNames output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, container = sketch, escape = FALSE, select = "none", options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ), initComplete = JS( "function() {", " $('#allboxes').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]');", " var checked = $('#allboxes').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowA').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-A]');", " var checked = $('#rowA').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowB').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-B]');", " var checked = $('#rowB').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowC').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-C]');", " var checked = $('#rowC').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowD').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-D]');", " var checked = $('#rowD').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowE').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-E]');", " var checked = $('#rowE').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowF').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-F]');", " var checked = $('#rowF').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", "}" ), preDrawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'), drawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); } ') ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)

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