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我是C语言的新手,我创建了一个简单的链接列表,但是我收到2条警告,我想使代码尽可能地完善。我查看了文章Dereferencing a null pointerWhat does "dereferencing" a pointer mean?,但我认为我并不完全理解。我该如何摆脱它们?

1-解除引用的NULL指针“第一”。2-取消引用的NULL指针“ last”。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

//define struct
typedef struct Node{
    int data;
    struct Node* next;

//initialise first and last pointer
node* first = NULL, *last = NULL;

void push(int data) {
    node* walk = NULL, *temp = NULL;

    //create a node that will be added
    temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

    //if first is empty, add new node to first
    if (first == NULL) {
        first = temp;
        first->data = data;
        first->next = NULL;
        last = first;

    //if first isn't empty, walk to the end, then add new node to last
    else {
        last->next = temp;
        last = last->next;
        last->data = data;
        last->next = NULL;

void display() {
    //create a pointer 'walk' that will start from firt, and iterate
    node* walk;

    walk = first;

    int i = 0;
    while (walk != NULL) {
        printf("%d. element: %d\n", i+1, walk->data);
        walk = walk->next;

int main() {
    int option = NULL;
    int data = NULL;

    while (1) {
        printf("\n1-Insert Data\n3-Display\n\n");
        scanf_s("%d", &option);
        switch (option) {
        case 1: scanf_s("%d", &data);
            push(data); break;
        case 3: display();  break;

if (first == NULL)块中,您正在执行与first->data = data;相同的(*first).data = data;。您不能保证temp不是NULLmalloc调用可能会失败),因此您应该检查一下情况是否如此。请注意,在这种情况下,firstNULL and,您正在尝试取消引用它。有关更多详细信息,请参见答案here


我猜您的预期状况为if (first != NULL),因此可以解决。

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