JAX:在回复完成之前取消了 execute_request 消息的未来

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我有一个优化问题,我正试图用牛顿法解决。为了计算雅可比矩阵,我使用 jax.jacobian.



def newton(f, x_0, tol=1e-5, max_iter=10):
    x = x_0
    q = lambda x: x - jnp.linalg.solve(jax.jacobian(f)(x), f(x))
    error = tol + 1
    n = 0
    while error > tol:
        if(n > max_iter):
            raise Exception('Max iteration reached without convergence')
        y = q(x)
            raise Exception('Solution not found with NaN generated')
        error = jnp.linalg.norm(x - y)
        x = y
        print(f'iteration {n}, error = {error:.5f}')
    print('\n' + f'Result = {x} \n')
    return x


newton(lambda delta: calc_ms(delta, dist_util, food_exp, market_shares, corr_mat, n_stores), delta0).block_until_ready()


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optimization scipy-optimize newtons-method jax
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