如何以R“ data.table”方式记录非重叠范围(或时间间隔)?

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我的目标是在每个ID具有多个可能重叠的曝光范围时,为每个ID定义唯一的非重叠范围(或时间间隔)。我发现R“ IntervalSurgeon”包中的“ flatten”函数可以实现任务。我的问题是:如何以“ data.table”方式有效地执行相同的任务并获得相同的“ tab_out”输出?




N <- 3 # number of IDs

IDs <- paste0("ID", 1:N) # unique IDs

K <- 4 # number of exposures per ID

DT <- data.table(IDs = rep(IDs, each = K), starts = sample(1:20, N * K, replace = T))[, ends := starts + sample(1:5, N * K, replace = T)]

DT <- DT[order(IDs, starts),]

tab_out <- DT[, as.list(data.table( flatten(as.matrix(cbind(starts, ends))))), by = IDs]

DT IDs starts ends 1: ID1 7 11 2: ID1 13 17 3: ID1 15 16 4: ID1 16 18 5: ID2 1 5 6: ID2 1 4 7: ID2 2 3 8: ID2 17 19 9: ID3 3 6 10: ID3 13 16 11: ID3 14 15 12: ID3 16 21

tab_out IDs V1 V2 1: ID1 7 11 2: ID1 13 18 3: ID2 1 5 4: ID2 17 19 5: ID3 3 6 6: ID3 13 21

r data.table range date-range

library( data.table ) library( intervals ) DT <- fread(" IDs starts ends ID1 7 11 ID1 13 17 ID1 15 16 ID1 16 18 ID2 1 5 ID2 1 4 ID2 2 3 ID2 17 19 ID3 3 6 ID3 13 16 ID3 14 15 ID3 16 21")


myfun <- function( y ) { data.table::as.data.table( intervals::interval_union( intervals::Intervals( as.matrix( y ) ), check_valid = TRUE ) ) } DT[, myfun( .SD ), by = .(IDs)] # IDs V1 V2 # 1: ID1 7 11 # 2: ID1 13 18 # 3: ID2 1 5 # 4: ID2 17 19 # 5: ID3 3 6 # 6: ID3 13 21

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