Drupal 6 CCK:导出/导入内容类型

问题描述 投票:2回答:3

我遇到了某种内容类型的问题。 (每当我尝试访问该类型的节点时,我都会收到page not found错误。)所以我想我会导出并重新导入,看看是否有任何改变。



[error] An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.
[info] An error has occurred adding the content type recruiting_form.
Please check the errors displayed for more details.



$content['type']  = array (
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  'description' => 'Form for prospective fencers',
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  'help' => 'If you have any questions, contact $RECRUITING$.
<br /> <br />
Once this form is submitted, you will not be able to view or edit it. Use the "preview" button to make sure everything is correct.',
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Industrial Labor Relations
Hotel Administration
Human Ecology
Agriculture and Life Sciences
Art, Architecture, and Planning',
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  array (
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      array (
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    'size' => '60',
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    array (
      'field_rating' => 
      array (
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  10 => 
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    'description' => '(JOs, NACs, etc)

Please include how many competitors there were in the event, what it was rated, and the date.

Example: 3rd/222 in Div2 Men\'s Foil, Summer Nationals 2007 ',
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    'widget_type' => 'number',
    'change' => 'Change basic information',
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    'description' => '',
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    array (
    'default_value_php' => '',
    'default_value_widget' => 
    array (
drupal-6 cck


array (
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    'weight' => '15',
    'description' => '',
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    array (
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        array (
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  12 => 
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    'size' => '60',
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    array (
    'default_value_php' => '',
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    array (
      'field_club' => 
      array (
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  13 => 
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    'rows' => 5,
    'size' => '60',
    'description' => 'Coach(es) with whom you have worked (currently or in the past)',
    'default_value' => 
    array (
    'default_value_php' => '',
    'default_value_widget' => 
    array (
      'field_coach' => 
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  14 => 
  array (
    'label' => 'Other Fencing Accomplishments',
    'field_name' => 'field_other_accomplishments',
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    'change' => 'Change basic information',
    'weight' => '18',
    'rows' => '10',
    'size' => 60,
    'description' => '(Captain of team, other awards won, etc) ',
    'default_value' => 
    array (
    'default_value_php' => '',
    'default_value_widget' => 
    array (
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      array (
        0 => 
        array (
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总之 - 不能重现:/


如果仅针对此导入发生错误,我的下一次尝试将忽略导入问题并尝试调试404 for recruiting_form内容,因为这可能是相关的并且可能更容易调试。你可以先把一个

$ trace = debug_backtrace();

进入drupal_not_found()函数 - 要么输出var_dump(),要么使用调试器查看它。跟踪应该指向发出404的函数。






  1. 创建一个新的内容类型(只是名称将。)
  2. 在此存根内容类型的顶部运行导入(使用正确的计算机名称)。


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