使用 Paramiko SFTP 复制文件创建时间戳

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您是否知道是否确实有办法获取“ctime”(文件从 SFTP 服务器创建的时间戳)?使用 Paramiko 进行 SFTP,我只看到“atime”和“mtime”。但是,我正在尝试访问文件的原始创建时间戳(而不是“atime”)。


for file in tqdm(sftp.listdir()):
        # Create a counter to see the loops:
        i = 1
            # Debug check:
            print('We are now in the try loop:')
            # Look for files that have the same starting 25 characters as the column
            # in the mapper file:
            mask = mapper.file_name_startswith.str[:25].str.contains(file[:25])
            # Grab the destination path info from the mapper file:
            dest_path = mapper[mask]['destination_path'].values[0]

            # Get the timestamp of the original file before we remove it, for both modified & created:
            remote_mod_time = sftp.stat(file).st_mtime 
            # Need to use a different method to get the created date:
            remote_file_attrs = sftp.listdir_attr('.')  
            for attr in remote_file_attrs:  
                if attr.filename == file:  
                    remote_create_time = attr.st_ctime  
            # Move the current file to our desired local (destination) path:
            local_path = os.path.join(dest_path, file)
            sftp.get(file, local_path)

            # Set the modified date timestamp of the downloaded file to match the timestamp of the original     file:  
            os.utime(local_path, (remote_mod_time, remote_mod_time)) 

            # Set the created date (cannot use os.utime for this) to match the timestamp of the original file:
            #date_time = pywintypes.Time(remote_create_time)  
            #win32file.SetFileTime(local_path, date_time, None, None)  
            # Remove the current file, which is being processed, from the sftp server:
            # Append the file to the "done_file" list:
python sftp paramiko

仅从 SFTP 版本 4 开始支持文件创建时间。大多数 SFTP 服务器(尤其是 OpenSSH)仅支持 SFTP 版本 3。帕拉米科也一样。

因此在大多数情况下(即使您修补 Paramiko 以支持 SFTP 4),您将无法从 SFTP 服务器检索创建时间。

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