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[在MS Visual Studio中调试时,我发现在oddevenSort()函数中,for循环似乎无限进行……好像tail->next未被更新为nullptr。我似乎无法理解错误所在的逻辑。

#include<iostream> template<class T> class SLL_Node { public: T info; SLL_Node* next; SLL_Node(); SLL_Node(T el, SLL_Node<T>* n = nullptr); }; template<class T> class SLL { private: SLL_Node<T>* head, * tail; size_t size; public: SLL(); ~SLL(); bool isEmpty() const; size_t get_size() const; void add_to_head(T el); void add_to_tail(T el); void delete_at(size_t); //delete at a certain index. Index starting from 1. Throws an error //message if index out of bounds or list empty. void display()const; //the logic is for mostly primitive data types and not user defined data //types (including classes) void oddevenSort(); }; template<class T> bool SLL<T>::isEmpty() const { if (tail == nullptr) return true; else return false; } template<class T> SLL_Node<T>::SLL_Node() : next{ nullptr } {} template<class T> SLL_Node<T>::SLL_Node(T el, SLL_Node<T>* n) : info{ el }, next{ n } {} template<class T> SLL<T>::SLL() { size = 0; head = tail = nullptr; } template<class T> void SLL<T>::add_to_tail(T el) { ++size; if (!isEmpty()) { tail->next = new SLL_Node<T>(el); tail = tail->next; } else head = tail = new SLL_Node<T>(el); } template<class T> void SLL<T>::add_to_head(T el) { head = new SLL_Node<T>(el, head); if (tail == nullptr) //if empty { tail = head; } ++size; } template<class T> void SLL<T>::display()const { std::cout << '\n'; for (SLL_Node<T>* tmp{ head }; tmp != nullptr; tmp = tmp->next) { std::cout << tmp->info << "->"; } std::cout << "NULL\n"; } template<class T> void SLL<T>::delete_at(size_t index) { if (index >= 1 && index <= size) //bound checking { if (!isEmpty()) //we dont need is empty since size takes care of that but still adding it for clarity { if (head == tail && index == 1) //if list only has one node and we delete head node { delete head; head = tail = nullptr; } //otherwise if list more than one node else if (index == 1) //if deleting head node { SLL_Node<T>* tmp{ head }; head = head->next; delete tmp; tmp = nullptr; } else //deleting other nodes { SLL_Node<T>* tmp{ head->next }, * pred{ head }; for (size_t i{ 2 }; i < index; ++i) { tmp = tmp->next; pred = pred->next; } pred->next = tmp->next; if (tmp == tail) { tail = pred; } delete tmp; tmp = nullptr; } } } else { std::cout<<"\nError! Either the list is empty or the index entered is out of bounds!\n"; } } template<class T> void SLL<T>::oddevenSort() { SLL_Node<T>* t=head; size_t count{1}; for (; t != nullptr; t = t->next) { if (((t->info) % 2) != 0) { add_to_tail(t->info); delete_at(count); } ++count; } }


int main() { SLL<int> a; a.add_to_head(1); a.add_to_head(2); a.add_to_tail(3); a.add_to_tail(4); a.add_to_head(6); a.add_to_tail(7); a.add_to_head(5); a.display(); //a.oddevenSort(); a.display(); return 0; }
c++ sorting infinite-loop singly-linked-list


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