
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

对于这个问题,我必须编写一种方法,当用户以美分计入货币金额时,我必须以String格式输出带有角钱,镍币和美分的所有可能组合。我只能使用递归,而不能使用任何类型的循环或集合(即数组,列表,堆栈等)。该代码应该可以工作,但是由于某种原因它不会输出所有组合,因此会丢失以下输出:“ 0d 3n 7p”和“ 0d 0n 17p”输出。

package Assignement02;

public class Coins {

    public static String ways (int money) {

        System.out.println("Enter an amount in cents:");
        System.out.println("This amount can be changed in the following ways:");

        if(money == 0) {

            return "there are no ways to change that amount";

        } else {

            return waysHelper(0, 0, 0, money);


    public static String waysHelper(int countd, int countn, int countp, int money) {

        if(money >= 10) {

            return waysHelper(countd, countn, countp, money - 10);

        } else if (money >= 5) {

            return waysHelper(countd, countn, countp, money - 5);

        } else {

                String s = " " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + money + "p";
                int orig = 10*countd + 5*countn + money;
               return counterHelper(orig, countd, countn, money, s);


    public static String counterHelper(int money, int countd, int countn, int countp, String s) {

        if(countp == money) {

            s = s + s + "\n " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + countp + "p";

        if(countd > 0) {

            if(countn > 0) {

                countp = countp + 5;
                s = s + "\n " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + countp + "p";
                counterHelper(money, countd, countn, countp, s);

            countn = countn + 2;
            s = s + "\n " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + countp + "p";
            counterHelper(money, countd, countn, countp, s);


        if(countn > 0) {

            countp = countp + 5;
            s = s + "\n " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + countp + "p";
            counterHelper(money, countd, countn, countp, s);


        if(countn > 0) {

            countp = countp + 5;
            s = s + "\n " + countd + "d, " + countn + "n, " + countp + "p";
            counterHelper(money, countd, countn, countp, s);


        return s;

    public static void main(String[] args) {





java recursion methods recursive-query

如果您使用37美分作为测试用例,您的问题将会更加明显。您永远不会有两个以上镍的例子,因为您先转向角钱,再也不会回来。您只能通过额外的if(countn ...)步骤来弥补这一点,但我不太了解。



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MoneyChangers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
        getCombos(results, 28, 0);

    public static void getCombos(List<String> results, int target, int dimesCount) {
        int pennies = target - 10 * dimesCount;
        if (pennies < 0) {
        getCombosForDimesFixed(results, target, dimesCount, 0);

        // This is tail recursion, which is really just a loop.  Do it again with one more dime.
        getCombos(results, target, dimesCount+1);

    private static void getCombosForDimesFixed(List<String> results, int target, int dimesCount, int nickelsCount) {
        int pennies = target - 10 * dimesCount - 5 * nickelsCount;
        if (pennies < 0) {
        results.add("\n" + dimesCount + "d, " + nickelsCount + "n, " + pennies + "p");
        getCombosForDimesFixed(results, target, dimesCount, nickelsCount+1);   // tail recursion again



  1. 将开始的便士转换为可能的最大面额硬币组合(即对于17来说,将是1d,1n,2p)
  2. 将“最大面额组合”分解为较小硬币的每种组合,以确定所有可能的组合(即,将每个一角硬币分成2个镍币,然后将每个镍币分成5个便士)



public class Coins {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static String findAllCoinCombinationsForPennies(int money) {
        System.out.println("Enter an amount in cents:");
        System.out.println("This amount can be changed in the following ways:");
        if(money <= 0) {
            return "there are no ways to change that amount";
        } else {
            return findAllCoinCombinations(0, 0, money);

    // break down the initial amount into the largest coinage to start (i.e. 17 pennies will be 1d, 1n, 2p)
    private static String findAllCoinCombinations(int dimes, int nickels, int pennies) {
        if(pennies >= 10) {
            // we can still convert pennies to another dime
            return findAllCoinCombinations(dimes + 1, nickels, pennies - 10);
        } else if (pennies >= 5) {
            // we can still convert pennies to another nickel
            return findAllCoinCombinations(dimes, nickels + 1, pennies - 5);
        } else {
            // base case where we have the largest coins (can't convert pennies to any more dimes or nickels)
            return findCoinCombinationsFor(dimes, nickels, pennies, "");

    // find all combinations of coins recursively
    private static String findCoinCombinationsFor(int dimes, int nickels, int pennies, String output) {
        // each call is another combination of coins, add that combination to our result output
        output += "\n " + dimes + "d, " + nickels + "n, " + pennies + "p";
        if (dimes > 0) {
            // if we have dimes, break the dime down into 2 nickels
            return findCoinCombinationsFor( dimes - 1, nickels + 2, pennies, output);
        } else if (nickels > 0) {
            // if we have nickels break each nickel down into 5 pennies
            return findCoinCombinationsFor( dimes, nickels - 1, pennies + 5, output);
        } else {
            // we have no more dimes or nickels, return the accumulated output
            return output;
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