
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



PN1121 E 1st St0008纽约0102NY020510003

其中 PN 是地址,11 是地址的字符数,接下来的 00 表示城市,8 是地址的字符数,接下来的 01 表示州,有 2 个字符,依此类推。

我的问题是一种提取这些数据并将其分割成逗号的方法,如下所示:21 E 1st St, New York, NY, 10003。不仅如此,还会有一些字符串不会有的数据,所以它会是这样的:

PN1121 E 第一街0102NY020510003

在这些情况下,应替换为这样的空格:21 E 1st St, , NY, 10003

我一直在为此苦苦挣扎,有人可以帮助我吗?我不会附加该字符串,因为它太长了,但您可以获取如下数据:PN,00,01, ...., 40,41。

我已经在Python中尝试过这个,但我不会撒谎,编程不是我的强项,我只知道一些非常基本的Python。也尝试过聊天 gpt,但它可能适合我。你能用Python教我吗?

python arrays string split jupyter

欢迎来到 Stackoverflow 社区! 考虑到你只了解一些非常基础的python,我尝试使用简单直接的代码来解决问题。 # 后面是代码的解释。

def delimite(string):
count = 0  # count stands for the delimeters. When count == 4, we get a complete delimeter
length = 0  # length used to store the length of each data
number = ""  #  number used to store the delimeters
result = "" 
for letter in string:
    if length == 0:  # if length == 0, it means we are in process of extracting the delimeters
        count = count + 1 
        number = number + letter  # store the delimeters
        if count == 4:  # if count == 4, it's time to get a delimeter
            length = int(number[2:])  # extract the last two digits
            number = ""  # empty number and count
            count = 0
    else:  # if length != 0, we are in process of extracting the data
        result = result + letter  # store the data one by one
        length = length - 1 
        if length == 0:  # length == 0 means we finishing storing current data, and we add a ", " 
            result = result + ", "
result = result.rstrip(", ")  # using the rstrip method to remove the last ", "
return result


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