将“%”字符串附加到 HTML 正文中的值 - Powershell

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我创建了一个脚本来提取内存和CPU的资源使用情况,并突出显示阈值超过75%的CPU和内存较高的值。但是,我无法在 HTML 正文中嵌入的值后面附加“%”字符串

before string

我在下面的代码中尝试了不同的方法,将 forloop 条件从 int 更改为字符串,以突出显示阈值超过 75% 的值并附加“%”字符串。但是在 HTML 正文中更改为字符串类型不会突出显示正确的值,即也不会突出显示低于 75% 的值。下面是代码片段。

after string

    $cpu_total = 0.0
    $mem_total = 0.0
    $thresholdPercent = "75.00%"

    $header = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
    $header = $header + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
    $header = $header + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"
    $header = $header + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
    $header = $header + ".critical{background-color:yellow}"
    $header = $header + ".normal{background-color:white}"
    $header = $header + "</style>"

    foreach ($cpuData in $CPUMetricData.Data.Average) {
        $cpu_total += $cpuData / 14
    foreach ($memData in $memMetricData.Data.Average) {
        $mem_total += $memData / 14
        $totalMemInGB = [math]::floor($virtualMachineMem / 1000)
        $availableMemInGB = [math]::round($mem_total / 1000 / 1000 / 1000, 2)
        $memUsagePercent = [math]::round(($totalMemInGB - $availableMemInGB) / $totalMemInGB * 100, 2)
        vmName             = $virtualMachineName
        resourceGroupName  = $resourceGroupName
        vmSize             = $virtualMachineSize
        PrivateIP          = $privateIpAddress
        CpuCores           = $virtualMachineCpu
        MemoryInGB         = [string]::Concat($totalMemInGB, "GB")
        CpuUsagePercent    = [string]::Concat([math]::round($cpu_total, 2), "%")
        # MemoryUsagePercent = $memUsagePercent
        MemoryUsagePercent = [string]::Concat($memUsagePercent, "%")

[xml]$HTMLBody = $VMResourceInfo `
| Select-Object vmName, resourceGroupName, vmSize, PrivateIP, CpuCores, MemoryInGB, CpuUsagePercent, MemoryUsagePercent `
| ConvertTo-Html -Fragment `

for ($i = 1; $i -le $HTMLBody.table.tr.count - 1; $i++) {
    if (($HTMLBody.table.tr[$i].td[-1] -as [string]) -gt $thresholdPercent) {
        $HTMLBody.table.tr[$i].ChildNodes[($HTMLBody.table.tr[$i].ChildNodes.Count - 1)].SetAttribute('class', 'critical')
    else {
        $HTMLBody.table.tr[$i].ChildNodes[($HTMLBody.table.tr[$i].ChildNodes.Count - 1)].SetAttribute('class', 'normal')

$body = "<h1>Server Status</h1>"
$body = $body + "<p>Below is the weekly usage report for Azure VMs from $st to $et.</p>"
$body = $body + $($HTMLBody.innerxml)

$convertToHtmlBody = ConvertTo-Html -Head $header -Body $body | Out-String

powershell azure-powershell
  • 事实上,


  • 但是,如果确保两个字符串操作数的格式相同,位数和小数位数完全相同(

    等静态部分相同),则生成的 lexical 比较相当于数值比较。



# The raw numerical calculation to calculate the ratio:
# No need to calculate a *percentage* here, and no need to *round*.
$memUsagePercent = ($totalMemInGB - $availableMemInGB) / $totalMemInGB

# ...

[PSCustomObject] @{
  # ...
  # Now convert the ratio to a string representation along the lines of
  # '75.00%' or '09.00%' percent:
  MemoryUsagePercent = $memUsagePercent.ToString('P2').PadLeft(6, '0')
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