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`。 //存放客户信息和预约时间的数组 常量保留 = []; 最终变种;

// Function to return contact form information back to the user in a popup window
function target_popup(form) 
    var custFName = document.getElementById('FName').value;
    var custLName = document.getElementById('LName').value;
        var peopleAmt = document.getElementById('People').value;
    var dateTime = document.getElementById('Date').value;
    var message = document.getElementById('Message').value;
    // Convert Date to local time
    var convDate = new Date(dateTime);
    //Convert First and Last names to proper formatting
    var fNameU = custFName.toUpperCase().substr(0,1);
    var fNameL = custFName.toLowerCase().substr(1);
    var fName = fNameU + fNameL;
    var lNameU = custLName.toUpperCase().substr(0,1);
    var lNameL = custLName.toLowerCase().substr(1);
    var lName = lNameU + lNameL;
    // Display final message
    final = "Name: " + fName + " " + lName + '\n' + " Amount of people: " +   peopleAmt + '\n' + " Date and time of reservation: " + convDate.toLocaleString() + '\n' + " Additional details: " + message;
    document.getElementById('spanResult').textContent = final;
    //Assign customer information and reservation time to the array

// Function to print array
function printArray()
    document.getElementById('spanResult1').textContent = reservations;


arrays function modal-dialog global-variables
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