在C ++中实现简单链表的问题,无输出

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对于我的C ++编程课程,我的任务是使用我自己的addElement()printList()deleteList()函数实现一个简单的链表。



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Node {
  int data;
  Node *next;
  Node(int i) : data(i), next(nullptr) {}
  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Node &n) {
    os << "Node\n"
       << "\tdata: " << n.data << "\n\tthis: " << &n << "\n\tnext: " << n.next;
    return os;

void addElement(Node **head, int data);
void printList(Node *head);
void deleteList(Node *head);

void deleteList(Node *head) {
  Node *next = head;
  while (next) {
    Node *deleteMe = next;
    next = next->next;
    delete deleteMe;

void addElement(Node **head, int data) {
  Node *n = new Node(data);
  n->next = *head;
  head = &n;

void printList(Node *head) {
  Node *next = head;
  while(next) {
    cout << next->data;
    next = next->next;

int main() {
  Node *list = nullptr;
  addElement(&list, 1);
  addElement(&list, 2);
  addElement(&list, 3);
  addElement(&list, 4);
  return 0;


c++ list pointers linked-list
void addElement(Node **head, int data) {
  Node *n = new Node(data);
  n->next = *head;
  head = &n;


  • head是此函数中的local变量,更改它不会对外界产生影响,您应该更改*head;和
  • n已经指向节点的指针,您应该直接使用它,而不是使用它的地址。


*head = n;

还有其他几点。首先,如果您只是学习在C ++中使用引用,则可以避免C中普遍存在的所有双指针问题,这是后者语言的一大优势。您的代码将变为:

void addElement(Node *&head, int data) {
  Node *n = new Node(data);
  n->next = head;
  head = n;

// Call with: "addElement(list, 1)".


void addElement(Node *&head, int data) { Node *n = new Node(data); if (head == nullptr) { head = n; } else { Node *curr = head; while (curr->next != nullptr) { curr = curr->next; } curr->next = n; } }

#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; Node *next; Node(int i) : data(i), next(nullptr) {} }; struct List { Node *head; Node *tail; List() : head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {} }; void deleteList(List *&list) { Node *curr = list->head; while (curr != nullptr) { Node *deleteMe = curr; curr = curr->next; delete deleteMe; } delete list; list = nullptr; } void addElement(List *list, int data) { Node *n = new Node(data); if (list->head == nullptr) { list->head = list->tail = n; } else { list->tail->next = n; list->tail = n; } } void printList(List *list) { Node *curr = list->head; while (curr != nullptr) { cout << curr->data; curr = curr->next; } cout << '\n'; } int main() { List *list = new List(); addElement(list, 1); addElement(list, 2); addElement(list, 3); addElement(list, 4); printList(list); deleteList(list); return 0; }





#include <iostream> #include <functional> using namespace std; // Only used within List and private there so leave as public. struct Node { Node(int value) : m_data(value), m_next(nullptr) {} int m_data; Node *m_next; }; // Properly encapsulae to protect memebrs. class List { public: List() : m_head(nullptr), m_tail(nullptr) {} ~List() { clearAll(); } void clearAll(); void addElement(int data); void traverse(const std::function<void(int)> &callback); private: Node *m_head; Node *m_tail; }; // Clear all items in list. void List::clearAll() { Node *curr = m_head; while (curr != nullptr) { Node *deleteMe = curr; curr = curr->m_next; delete deleteMe; } m_head = m_tail = nullptr; } // Add an item to list. void List::addElement(int data) { Node *node = new Node(data); if (m_head == nullptr) { m_head = m_tail = node; } else { m_tail->m_next = node; m_tail = node; } } // Traverse list, calling a callback for each item. void List::traverse(const std::function<void(int)> &callback) { Node *curr = m_head; while (curr != nullptr) { callback(curr->m_data); curr = curr->m_next; } } // Test harness for the code above. int main() { List list; // could also 'new' this but not needed. list.addElement(1); list.addElement(2); list.addElement(3); list.addElement(4); // Advanced lambda stuff for callback. std::cout << "Items are:"; list.traverse([](int i) -> void { std::cout << " " << i; }); std::cout << "\n"; return 0; }

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