我的Java函数中的2行不想在Android App中执行

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


     public void startTimerForRefreshingSensorsData(Integer mins) {
        if (handlerRefresh == null) {
            final int delay = mins * 60000;//milliseconds
            final TextView refreshes = findViewById(R.id.number_of_autorefreshes);
            final TextView refreshes_time = findViewById(R.id.autorefresh_time);
            refreshes.setText("Autorefreshes:" + numberOfAutoRefreshes);
            final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy, HH:mm");
            handlerThread = new HandlerThread("refreshThread");
            handlerRefresh = new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper());
            //Running the handler
            handlerRefresh.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    lastAutoRefreshTimeSensorList = df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
                    numberOfAutoRefreshes += 1;
                    // Stuff that updates the UI should run on main thread
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            displaySavedSensorsFromSharedPreferences(); //LOOK LIKE THIS DOES NOT EXECUTE, UI NOT CHANGING
                            refreshes_time.setText("Last refresh: " + lastAutoRefreshTimeSensorList);
                            refreshes.setText("Autorefreshes:" + numberOfAutoRefreshes); //THIS DOES NOT EXECUTE, UI NOT CHANGING
                            Log.d("REFRESH HANDLER", "Some stuff ran on the UI thread"); //THIS LINE EXECUTES, I get a message in the log ???
                    Log.d("REFRESH HANDLER", "The " + numberOfAutoRefreshes + " handler has been run at: " + df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()));
                    handlerRefresh.postDelayed(this, delay);
            }, delay);

在活动的onCreate函数中调用此方法。 LMK如果需要任何其他信息...谢谢!

android user-interface handler


        //Generates the arrays with values for the CustomAdaprter class, if the latter breaks, the problem is most probably here
        Log.d("JSONException)", "************************ START ALL *********************************");
        ListView sensorsListView = findViewById(R.id.sensorsView);
        //Get the saved sensors list  //TODO - what happens when NULL ???
        ArrayList<String> list = getSavedSensorsList();
        Log.d("JSONException)", "Getting the saved sensors list "+list);
        //Set up all arrays with data for the sensors list
        int lSize = list.size();
        Log.d("JSONException)", "The size of the list is "+lSize);
        String[] idsArr = new String[lSize];
        Log.d("JSONException)", "String array -isdArr- of size "+idsArr.length+" generated");
        idsArr = list.toArray(idsArr);
        Log.d("JSONException)", "String array populated with list values");
        Integer[] iconIdsArr = new Integer[lSize];  //TODO - add logic for generating this Integer[] array and remove it from the dummy generation in the FOR loop below
        Log.d("JSONException)", "String array -iconIdsArr- of size "+iconIdsArr.length+" generated");
        Log.d("JSONException)", "Generating values arrays:");
        String[] valuesArr = new String[lSize];
        Log.d("JSONException)", "ValuesArr- size "+valuesArr.length);
        String[] valueTypesArr = new String[lSize];
        Log.d("JSONException)", "valueTypesArr- size "+valueTypesArr.length);
        String[] valuesArr2 = new String[lSize];
        Log.d("JSONException)", "valuesArr2- size "+valuesArr2.length);
        String[] valueTypesArr2 = new String[lSize];
        Log.d("JSONException)", "valueTypesArr2- size "+valueTypesArr2.length);

        //Populate the set arrays
        Log.d("JSONException)", "Populating arrays");
        for (int i=0; i<lSize;i++) {
            Log.d("JSONException)", ".............START SENSOR "+list.get(i)+"................");
            String sensorJsonString = readAStringPreference(list.get(i));
            Log.d("JSONException)", "Starting extracting the JSON string for sensor "+list.get(i));
            Log.d("JSONException)", "JSON string: "+sensorJsonString);
            if (!sensorJsonString.isEmpty()) {
                Log.d("JSONException)", "Passed IF, the JSON string is not NULL");
                try {
                    JSONArray jar2 = new JSONArray(sensorJsonString);
                    Log.d("JSONException)", "Creating the JSON array from the string for sensor "+list.get(i));
                    valuesArr[i] = jar2.getJSONObject(0).getString("value");
                    valueTypesArr[i] = jar2.getJSONObject(0).getString("value_type");
                    Log.d("JSONException)", valuesArr[i] +" "+ valueTypesArr[i]);

                    valuesArr2[i] = jar2.getJSONObject(1).getString("value");
                    valueTypesArr2[i] = jar2.getJSONObject(1).getString("value_type");
                    Log.d("JSONException)", valuesArr2[i] +" "+ valueTypesArr2[i]);
                    iconIdsArr[i] = 1;  //TODO - check the upper TODO
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    displayMessageIfDebuggingOn("There is a JSON exception, check the logs...");
                    Log.d("JSONException)", "JSON throwing some exception...");
            } else {
                Log.d("JSONException", "JSON for sensor "+list.get(i)+" is EMPTY, ENDING CYCLE!!!");
            Log.d("JSONException)", ".............END SENSOR "+list.get(i)+"................");
            Log.d("JSONException)", "");
        Log.d("JSONException)", "*************************END ALL***************************************");
        Log.d("JSONException)", "");

        //Apply custom adapter to populated data
        CustomAdapter adapter = new CustomAdapter(this,  idsArr, iconIdsArr, valuesArr, valueTypesArr, valuesArr2, valueTypesArr2);
        View headerView = ((LayoutInflater)this.getSystemService(this.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.sensors_list_header, null, false);
        if (sensorsListView.getHeaderViewsCount() < 1) {

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