如何在 Rstudio 中使用多个月度栅格数据集绘制箱线图?

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我希望在 Rstudio 中对多组栅格进行箱线图。这些栅格属于不同月份,因此值差异很大。还希望重命名(按月排列)并按月重新排列。 下图从每个栅格中获取值但不会扩展,因此解释起来非常困难。 我曾在 rstudio 中使用所需的库尝试过此代码

  v1 <- list.files(path = "H:/cc_fire/dataset/future_data/HadGEM3/test", pattern='.tif$', all.files=TRUE,       full.names=FALSE)
  s2data = stack(v1)
[dataset used in this study](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oAwRasjXydnahTRsvHBAscdZ0TeYA7hQ?usp=share_link)
[![This is the Output I am getting](https://i.stack.imgur.com/x5RxB.png)]

How to expand and include the minimum and maximum value of each month in the box plot, so that it include all values of each month of raster files which will make it more interpretable.
rstudio raster boxplot
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