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我正在尝试编写一个函数来检查网站是否有效,如果文本大于0,则返回“ Pass”,但是这样做很难。我正在使用Pycharm,我的代码行[[elif str(len(resp.text))> 0给我带来麻烦。以下是整个代码。我目前正在转换为字符串,但是我也尝试了不使用字符串功能的情况。预先感谢。

from requests import get from requests.exceptions import RequestException from contextlib import closing from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup def url_check(url, multiplier=1): """ Makes http request. If HTML or XML format is found, will return text, otherwise return none """ time.sleep(2*multiplier) try: with closing(get(url, stream=True)) as resp: if is_good_response(resp): elif str(len(resp.text)) > 0 print('Pass') else: print('Fail') return None except RequestException as e: log_error('Error during request to {0} : {1}'.format(url, str(e))) return None def is_good_response(resp): """ Will return True if response is HTML. Will return False if otherwise """ content_type = resp.headers['Content-Type'].lower() return(resp.status_code == 200 and content_type is not None and content_type.find('html')> -1) def get_data(year): year = input() raw = url_check("{}_totals.html".format(year)) html = soup(raw, 'html.parser') #Gets headers from table soup.findAll('tr', limit=2) headers = [th.getText() for th in soup .findAll('tr',limit=2)[0].findAll('th')] headers = headers [1:] headers def log_errors(e): print(e)
python get pycharm
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