
问题描述 投票:0回答:2
string date = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
var grouped = from a in db.Logs
    group a by a.email
    into g
    select new
        intime = (from x in db.Logs where x.date == date && x.email == "" select x.login).Min();
        outime = (from x in db.Logs where x.date == date && x.email == "" select x.login).Min()

return View();


我需要根据email对它们进行分组,并且我需要获得当前日期的特定login_time的最小email_id。我使用min函数找到第一次登录。我是LINQ的新手我的表有1.login 2.logout 3.email 4.username字段

每当用户登录时,表都会填充登录时间,注销时间,电子邮件,用户名。 =>我需要根据当前日期的电子邮件对这些详细信息进行分类。这样管理员视图页面应该只有当前日期的特定电子邮件的第一次登录和最后一次注销。

c# asp.net-mvc linq


我需要根据电子邮件对它们进行分组,然后我需要获取当前日期的特定email_id的min login_time。

为此,我会使用Queryable.GroupBy with an ElementSelector

DateTime selectionDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;  // or any other date you want to use

var result = db.Logs
    // Keep only logs that have an e-mail on the selection date:
    .Where(log => log.LogInTime == selectionDate)

    // Group all remaining logs into logs with same email
    .GroupBy(log => log.email,

    // element selector: I only need the LoginTimes of the Logs
    log => log.LoginTime,

    // result selector: take the email, and all logInTimes of logs 
    // with this email to make a new object
    (email, logInTimesForThisEmail) =>  new
        Email = email, // only if desired in your end result

        // Order the loginTimes and keep the first,
        // which is the min login time of this email on this date
        MinLoginTimeOnDate = logInTimesForThisEmail
            .OrderBy(logInTime => loginTime)


(email, logInTimesForThisEmail) =>  new
    Email = email, // only if desired in your end result
    LogInTimes = logInTimesForThisEmail
        .OrderBy(loginTime => loginTime);
.Select(groupResult => new
    Email = groupResult.Email,
    MinTime = groupResult.LogInTimes.FirstOrDefault(),
    MaxTime = groupResult.LogInTimes.LastOrDefault(),


string date = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
var grouped = from a in db.Logs.ToList()
    where a.date == date
    group a by a.email
    into g
    let ordered = g.OrderBy(x => x.date).ToList()
    let firstLogin = ordered.First()
    let lastLogin = ordered.Last()
    select new
        first_login_time = firstLogin.login_time,
        first_login = firstLogin.login,
        last_login_time = lastLogin.login_time,
        last_login = lastLogin.login        



string date = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
var grouped = from a in db.Logs.ToList()
    where a.login.Date == date
    group a by a.email
    into g
    let firstLogin = g.OrderBy(x => x.login).First() // order by login time and get first
    let lastLogout = g.OrderBy(x => x.logout).Last() // order by lotgout time and get last
    select new
        email: g.Key,
        first_login = firstLogin.login, // first login
        last_logout = lastLogin.logout // last logout


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Logs](
    [username] [nvarchar](4000) NOT NULL,
    [email] [nvarchar](4000) NOT NULL,
    [login] [datetime] NULL,
    [logout] [datetime] NULL


public class Log {
  public string email {get; set; }
  public string username {get; set; }
  public DateTime login {get; set; }
  public DateTime logout {get; set; }





id  employee    date        login   logout  email
1   ShobaBTM    2019-03-18  16:12   16:12   [email protected]
2   neymarjr    2019-03-18  16:22   16:22   [email protected]
3   Cristiano   2019-03-18  16:23   16:23   [email protected]
4   neymarjr    2019-03-18  16:25   16:25   [email protected]
5   neymarjr    2019-03-18  16:30   16:32   [email protected]
6   neymarjr    2019-03-18  16:42   16:45   [email protected]


1   ShobaBTM    2019-03-18  16:12   16:12   
2   Cristiano   2019-03-18  16:23   16:23
3   neymarjr    2019-03-18  16:25   16:45   


string date = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
var grouped = from a in db.Logs.ToList()
    where a.date == date
    group a by new { a.employee, a.date }
    into g
    let firstLogin = g.OrderBy(x => TimeSpan.ParseExact(x.login, "hh\\:mm")).First() // order by login time and get first
    let lastLogout = g.OrderBy(x => TimeSpan.ParseExact(x.logout, "hh\\:mm")).Last() // order by logout time and get last
    select new
        employee = g.Key.employee,
        date = g.Key.date,
        first_login = firstLogin.login, // first login
        last_logout = lastLogin.logout // last logout

这段代码有用吗?如果不是 - 究竟发生了什么?

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