在c ++中,计算结果为零[关闭]

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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char choice = 0;
    double weight = 0;
    double speed = 0;
    double time = 0;
    double newWeight;
    double distance = 0;
    double gravity = 0;
    double newtoSun = 0;
    double earthtoSun = 93;
    double days = 0;
    double years = 0;
    string planet;

    cout << "welcome" << endl;
    cout << "menu" << endl;
    cout << "a) mercury" << endl;
    cout << "b)Venus" << endl;
    cin >> choice;

    if (choice >= 'a' && choice <= 'd')
        cout << "enter weight" << endl;
        cin >> weight;

        cout << "What speed u want?" << endl;
        cin >> speed;

        if (choice == 'a')
            newtoSun = 36;
            gravity = 0.27;
            planet = "Mercury";
        else if (choice == 'b')
            newtoSun = 67;
            gravity = 0.86;
            planet = "Venus";
        else if (choice == 'c')
            newtoSun = 93;
            gravity = 1;
            planet = "Earth";
        else if (choice == 'd')
            newtoSun = 141;
            gravity = 0.37;
            planet = "Mars";

        newWeight = weight * gravity;
        time = distance / speed;
        distance = abs(earthtoSun - newtoSun);
        days = time / 24;
        years = days / 365;

        cout << "INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL: Earth to " << choice << endl;
        cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << "Your weight on " << planet << fixed << setw(5)
                << setprecision(2) << newWeight << endl;
        cout << distance << endl;
        cout << speed << endl;
        cout << "Your travel time to " << planet << ":" << endl;
        cout << "In Hours: " << setw(2) << time << "hours" << endl;
        cout << "In Days : " << setw(2) << days << "days" << endl;
        cout << "In Years  : " << setw(2) << years << "years" << endl << endl;


    else if (choice == 'q')
        cout << "You quit" << endl;

        cout << "You have entered an invalid selection" << endl;

    return 0;
time = distance / speed;
distance = abs(earthtoSun - newtoSun);


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