TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性'onMarksSelection'。尝试使用React js

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

Error Message

TypeError: cannot read property 'onMarksSelection' of undefined.


我正在尝试将侦听器附加到我的Tableau Viz,以注册该Viz的选定数据点。

仪表板呈现,监听器使用Tableau API Documentation以纯HTML和简单JS工作。

但是,当我在React JS中实现相同的东西时,出现了一些错误。具体来说就是上面截图中的那个。仪表板将正确呈现,但是当我尝试附加侦听器时会收到错误消息。



onMarksSelection(marksEvent) {
  return marksEvent.getMarksAsync().then(function (marks) {

    var dataPoints = [];
    for (var markIndex = 0; markIndex < marks.length; markIndex++) {
      var pairs = marks[markIndex].getPairs();
    return this.setState({points: dataPoints});

listenToMarksSelection() {
  Viz.addEventListener(window.tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, this.onMarksSelection);   
  // Error is coming from this line ^^^^  




import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import tableau from "tableau-api";
import Table from '../Table';

const OuterBox = styled.div `
  min-height: 600px;
  position: relative;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
var Viz;

class MapContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    viz: null,
    containerDiv: null,
    url: null,
    options: null,
    points: []

reportSelectedMarks(marks) {

   var dataPoints = [];
   for (var markIndex = 0; markIndex < marks.length; markIndex++) {
     var pairs = marks[markIndex].getPairs();
   return this.setState({points: dataPoints});


onMarksSelection(marksEvent) {
  return marksEvent.getMarksAsync().then(this.reportSelectedMarks());

listenToMarksSelection() {

  Viz.addEventListener(window.tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, this.onMarksSelection);

    this.state.containerDiv = document.getElementById("tableauViz");
    this.state.url = "URL TAKEN OUT for security but goes here";
    this.state.options = {
            width:  "100%",
            height: "600px",
            hideTabs: true,
            onFirstInteractive: function () {
                console.log("Run this code when the viz has finished loading.");
    Viz  = new window.tableau.Viz(this.state.containerDiv, this.state.url, this.state.options);
    // Create a viz object and embed it in the container div.

removeMarksSelectionEventListener() {
  Viz.removeEventListener(window.tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, this.onMarksSelection());


render() {
    return (
      <OuterBox id="outerBox">
        <div id="tableauViz">
        <div id="Buttons">
          <button onClick={this.listenToMarksSelection}>Start listening</button>
          <button onClick={this.removeMarksSelectionEventListener}>Run this code</button>



javascript reactjs tableau
import React from "react"; import tableau from "tableau-api"; import styled from "styled-components"; import Table from "../Table"; const OuterBox = styled.div` min-height: 600px; position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; `; var Viz; class MapContainer extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { viz: null, containerDiv: null, url: null, options: null, points: [] }; } reportSelectedMarks(marks) { var dataPoints = []; for (var markIndex = 0; markIndex < marks.length; markIndex++) { var pairs = marks[markIndex].getPairs(); dataPoints.push(pairs); } this.setState({ points: dataPoints }); } onMarksSelection(marksEvent) { return marksEvent .getMarksAsync() .then(marks => this.reportSelectedMarks(marks)); } listenToMarksSelection() { Viz.addEventListener( window.tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, this.onMarksSelection() ); } loadViz() { this.state.containerDiv = document.getElementById("tableauViz"); this.state.url = "URL TAKEN OUT for security but goes here"; this.state.options = { width: "100%", height: "600px", hideTabs: true, onFirstInteractive: function() { console.log("Run this code when the viz has finished loading."); } }; Viz = new window.tableau.Viz( this.state.containerDiv, this.state.url, this.state.options ); // Create a viz object and embed it in the container div. } removeMarksSelectionEventListener() { Viz.removeEventListener( window.tableau.TableauEventName.MARKS_SELECTION, this.onMarksSelection() ); } componentDidMount() { this.loadViz(); } render() { return ( <OuterBox id="outerBox"> <div id="tableauViz"></div> <div id="Buttons"> <button onClick={this.listenToMarksSelection}>Start listening</button> <button onClick={this.removeMarksSelectionEventListener}> Run this code </button> </div> </OuterBox> ); } }
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