如何通过 ssh 重启远程机器避免超时?

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我有这部分代码,我试图通过 ssh 重新启动远程计算机:

def check_and_reboot(ssh, hostname):
    # if not ssh_connect(ssh, hostname):
    #     print("SSH failed, restarting {}".format(hostname))
    # Step 2: If connection fails, reboot the machine
    if not reboot_machine(ssh, hostname):
        print("Failed to reboot machine {}. Exiting.".format(hostname))
        # return

    # Step 3: Run the command over SSH
    command = "ls -asl /raid/dfs/aiceph"
    ssh_connect(ssh, hostname)
    output, exit_code = execute_remote_command(ssh, command)

    # Step 4: If the command returns an error code, reboot the machine
    if exit_code != 0:
            # Execute the reboot command
            _, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("sudo nohup /sbin/reboot -f > /dev/null 2>&1 &")

            # Wait for the command to complete
            exit_status = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()

            # If the exit status is 0, the reboot command was sent successfully
            if exit_status == 0:
                print("Reboot command sent successfully")
                return True
                print("Failed to send reboot command with exit status {}".format(exit_status))
                return False

        except Exception as e:
            # If there is an exception, print the error and return False
            print("Error sending reboot command: {}".format(str(e)))
            return False

    # Step 5: Validation successful
    print("Validation successful for machine {}".format(hostname))

我设置了 exit_code = 1 来验证流程。看来我的代码恰好卡在第 4 步,因为我的代码一直在等待重新启动命令的提示。如何克服这个问题而不必等待重新启动命令的响应?

python ubuntu ssh paramiko reboot



ssh HOST "sudo reboot now"  # Results in a ssh timeout and exitcode=255

ssh HOST "sudo reboot now; exit 42" # Returns immediately and exitcode=42
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