
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我有多个 Excel 文件,其中的宏分配了相同的快捷方式。当我同时打开这些文件并通过快捷方式运行宏时,通过在VBE中调试,我发现它总是运行第一个打开的文件中的宏而不是宏本身。怎么解决?

excel vba shortcut

解决方法是对宏使用不同的快捷键。在一个 Excel 实例中,您只能将快捷方式分配给一个过程。快捷方式是按 Excel 实例而不是按文件分配的。

另一个解决方法是确保文件在不同的 Excel 实例中打开。不同实例的行为就像 2 个完全独立的 Excel 应用程序。

启动第二个 Excel 时按住键盘上的 Alt 按钮可以打开新实例。
另请参阅如何打开 Excel 的多个实例

如果您有 2 个不同的实例,则每个 Excel 实例都有自己的应用程序设置,因此当您按下快捷方式时,快捷方式仅运行具有焦点的实例的宏。





ThisWorkbook 模块中:

Private Sub Workbook_Activate() 'Debug.Print "Workbook got activated" Call KeyboardShortcuts(True) End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() 'Debug.Print "Workbook got deactivated" Call KeyboardShortcuts(False) End Sub

Function KeyboardShortcuts(assign As Boolean) ' There is a problem when you assign keyboard shortcuts to macros through the macros menu: ' When there are multiple Excel workbooks open in the same instance of the Excel application, ' it is possible that when you enter a keyboard shortcut in workbook A, it gets captured from workbook B. ' This can lead to undesired results. ' So we do it like this: ' keyboard shortcuts are enabled when the workbook gets activated and ' they are disabled when the workbook gets deactivated. Dim Keys() As Variant Dim pair As Variant Keys() = Array(Array("+^W", "Function1_KB"), _ Array("+^D", "Function2_KB"), _ Array("+^F", "Function3_KB"), _ Array("+^G", "Function4_KB"), _ Array("+^L", "Function5_KB"), _ Array("+^P", "Function6_KB"), _ Array("+^T", "Function7_KB")) For Each pair In Keys If assign = True Then ' Enable the keyboard shortcut: Application.OnKey pair(0), pair(1) Else ' Disable the keyboard shortcut: On Error Resume Next Application.OnKey pair(0) On Error GoTo 0 End If Next End Function Function Function1_KB() Debug.Print "You have pressed Shft+Ctrl+W" End Function ... Function Function7_KB() Debug.Print "You have pressed Shft+Ctrl+T" End Function
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