
问题描述 投票:-1回答:2


Class A 
   string Id{get;set;}
   string Name{get;set;}
   string Order{get;set;}
   string ParentId{get;set;}
Class B 
   string Id{get;set;}
   string Name{get;set;}
   string Order{get;set;}
   string ClassAId{get;set;}
Class C 
   string Id{get;set;}
   string Name{get;set;}
   string Order{get;set;}
   string ClassBId{get;set;}


Id = "1.1"                   Id = "2.1"
Name = "SomeName"            Name = "Name2"
Order = 1                    Order = 1
ParentId = "1"               ParentId = 2

Id = "1.2"                   Id = "2.2"
Name = "Name2"               Name = "Name3"
Order = 2                    Order = 2
ParentId = "1"               ParentId = 2


 Id = "1.1.1"                   Id = "2.1.1"
    Name = "SomeName"            Name = "Name2"
    Order = 1                    Order = 1
    ParentId = "1.1"               ParentId = 2.1

    Id = "1.2.1"                   Id = "2.1.2"
    Name = "Name2"               Name = "Name3"
    Order = 2                    Order = 2
    ParentId = "1.2"               ParentId = 2.1


Id = ""                   Id = ""
Name = "SomeName"            Name = "Name2"
Order = 1                    Order = 1
ParentId = "1.1.1"               ParentId = 2.1.1



var currentClass = listOfClassA.Where(x => x.Id = currentId).SingleOrDefault();
var maxOrder = listOfClassA.Max(x => x.Order);
var objClassA = new A();
objClassA.Order = maxOrder + 1;
objClassA.ParentId = currentClassA.ParentId;
objClassA.Name = "";
objClassA.Id = currentClassA.ParentId + "." + objClassA.Order;
c# mongodb dynamic hierarchical-data


class A 
   public string Id{get;set;}
   public string Name{get;set;}
   public string Order{get;set;}
   //this is the tricky one.
   public string ParentId{get;set;}

class B 
   public string Id{get;set;}
   public string Name{get;set;}
   public string Order{get;set;}
   public A ClassA{get;set;}

class C 
   public string Id{get;set;}
   public string Name{get;set;}
   public string Order{get;set;}
   public B ClassB{get;set;}


public class Foo
    public string Id{get;set;}
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public string Order{get;set;}

    public Foo Parent {get;set;}
    public Foo Child{get;set;}

Expanding the previous idea, you'll find that you have created a sort of LinkedList, e.g.:
public class Foo
    public string Id{get;set;}
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public string Order{get;set;}

var list = new LinkedList<Foo>();

Yet another option: which is a more tree like structure, I believe it's called the composite pattern:
public class Foo
    public string Id{get;set;}
    public string Name{get;set;}
    public string Order{get;set;}

    public Foo Parent {get;set;}
    public IEnumerable<Foo> Children{get;set;}





                dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
                var collectionModel = expando as IDictionary<string, Object>;

                var lastDotPosition = value.LastIndexOf('.');
                var parentId = value.Substring(0, lastDotPosition);
                collectionModel.Add("ParentId", parentId);
                var order = Convert.ToInt32(value.Split('.').Last());

                var newOrder = order + 1;
                var Id = parentId + '.' + newOrder.ToString();

                collectionModel.Add("Index", newOrder);//newOrder
                collectionModel["Id"] = Id;

                var filter = Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Gt("Index", order);
                filter = filter & Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Eq("ParentId", parentId);
                var collection = _db.GetCollection<dynamic>(collectionName);

                var remainingList = collection.Find(filter).ToList();

                var dynamicList = new List<ExpandoObject>();
                // below updates the next record ids and parent id to ensure numbering is maintained
                for (int i = 0; i < remainingList.Count; i++)
                    var remainingRecord = remainingList[i] as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var newRecord = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, Object>;
                    for(int j = 0; j < listOfFieldNames.Count; j++)
                        var fieldName = listOfFieldNames[j];
                        Object dictValue = "";
                        remainingRecord.TryGetValue(fieldName, out dictValue);
                        if (fieldName == "Id")
                            newRecord[fieldName] = parentId + "." + (newOrder + 1);
                            newRecord[fieldName] = dictValue;
                    newRecord["Index"] = newOrder + 1;
                    newRecord["ParentId"] = parentId;


                //Now update child or grandchild if any

                var updateForChildList = remainingList.OrderByDescending(x => ((IDictionary<string, object>)x)["Index"]).ToList();

                for (int k = 0; k < updateForChildList.Count; k++)
                    var oldRecord = updateForChildList[k] as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var oldParentId = oldRecord["Id"];
                    Object dictValue = "";
                    oldRecord.TryGetValue("Index", out dictValue);

                    var newParentId = oldRecord["ParentId"] + "." + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(dictValue.ToString()) + 1);
                    UpdateParentIdForChildren(oldParentId.ToString(), newParentId, Convert.ToInt32(collectionOrder + 1));


public void UpdateParentIdForChildren(string oldParentId, string newParentId, int collectionIndex)

            if (collectionIndex > collectionList.Count)

            var currentCollection = _db.GetCollection<dynamic>(collectionName);
            var filter = Builders<dynamic>.Filter.Eq("ParentId", oldParentId);
            var oldParentIdList = currentCollection.Find(filter).ToList();
            var reoldParentIdList = oldParentIdList.OrderByDescending(x => ((IDictionary<string, object>)x)["Index"]).ToList();
            if (reoldParentIdList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < reoldParentIdList.Count; i++)
                    var remainingRecord = reoldParentIdList[i] as IDictionary<string, object>;

                    Object OldIdValue = "";
                    remainingRecord.TryGetValue("Id", out OldIdValue);

                    Object indexValue = "";
                    remainingRecord.TryGetValue("Index", out indexValue);

                    var newId = newParentId + '.' + indexValue;

                    currentCollection.UpdateOne(filter, Builders<dynamic>.Update.Set("Id", newId));
                    currentCollection.UpdateOne(filter, Builders<dynamic>.Update.Set("ParentId", newParentId));

                    UpdateParentIdForChildren(OldIdValue.ToString(), newId, collectionIndex + 1);
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