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Call RunSQL("UPDATE Summary " & _
    "SET " & _
    "Date_of_Report = [Enter the Report date in the following format DD/MM/YYYY, with the DD being the last day of the month] " & _
    " WHERE Date_of_Report IS NULL ")


Call RunSQL("UPDATE Summary " & _
    "SET " & _
    "Date_of_Report = [Enter the Report date for the '" & FileNameSelected & "' file in the following format DD/MM/YYYY, with the DD beng the last day of the month] " & _
    " WHERE Date_of_Report IS NULL ")


另外对于VBA的弹出框,我知道你使用& vbCrLf & _来为他的消息框创建新的行,我如何用提示符来做这件事?

vba ms-access


Public Sub Test_date_prompt()

    Dim strInpput As String
    Dim dtConverted As Date
    Dim OK As Boolean
    Dim FileNameSelected As String

    On Error GoTo Err_handler

    OK = False

    FileNameSelected = "Anything for this example"

    strinput = InputBox("Enter the Report date for the '" & FileNameSelected & "' file in the following format DD/MM/YYYY, with the DD being the last day of the month", "Enter date")

    ' testing if user inputed 10 characters
    If Len(strinput) = 10 Then
        ' testing if / separators are at the right place
        If Mid(strinput, 3, 1) = "/" And Mid(strinput, 6, 1) = "/" Then
            ' testing if DD, MM, YYYY placeholders are all numeric
            If IsNumeric(Left(strinput, 2)) And IsNumeric(Mid(strinput, 4, 2)) And IsNumeric(Right(strinput, 4)) Then
                'looks good
                OK = True
            End If
        End If
    End If

    If Not OK Then
        ' not good, abording process
        MsgBox "You have not entered a valid date in DD/MM/YYYY format !", vbExclamation, "Abording"
        GoTo Exit_Sub
    End If

    ' Converting in date which ensure a valid date, otherwise an error will occur
    dtConverted = DateSerial(Right(strinput, 4), Mid(strinput, 4, 2), Left(strinput, 2))

    ' if your Date_of_report type is DATE, do :
'    Call RunSQL("UPDATE Summary " & _
        "SET " & _
        "Date_of_Report = #" & Format(dtConverted, "MM/DD/YYYY") & "# " & _
        " WHERE Date_of_Report IS NULL ")

    ' if your Date_of_report type is STRING (bad!), do :
 '   Call RunSQL("UPDATE Summary " & _
        "SET " & _
        "Date_of_Report = '" & Format(dtConverted, "DD/MM/YYYY") & "' " & _
        " WHERE Date_of_Report IS NULL ")

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Sub

End Sub
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