为什么我的 BIOS 磁盘读取程序停止而不是打印?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



org 0x7C00
bits 16

; Variables for CHS conversion
tmp: db 0
sct: db 0
hed: db 0
cyl: db 0
spt: db 0
hct: db 0
bdv: db 0
snm: db 0

mov [bdv], dl

jmp main

; lbaRead
; Reads sectors using LBA
; bx: LBA Address
; ax: Number of sectors
; dl: Drive number
    ; Read the Disk Geometry
    mov ah, 8
    int 0x13
    inc dh
    mov [hct], dh
    and cl, 0x3F
    mov [spt], cl
    ; Error Handling
    jc err

    ; Convert LBA to CHS
    ; Store Sector to read number (snm)
    mov [snm], ax
    ; Calculate temporary value (tmp) and sector
    mov ax, bx
    mov bx, [spt]
    div bx
    mov [tmp], al
    inc ah
    mov [sct], ah
    ; Calculate Head and Cylinder
    mov ax, [tmp]
    mov bx, [hct]
    div bx
    mov [hed], ah
    mov [cyl], al

    ; Read the disk
    mov ah, 0x02
    mov al, [snm]
    mov ch, [cyl]
    mov cl, [sct]
    mov dh, [hed]
    mov bx, 0x7E00
    int 0x13
    ; Error handling
    jc err
    mov bx, 1
    mov ax, 1
    call lbaRead
    mov ah, 0x0E
    mov al, [0x7E00]
    int 0x10
    jmp $

    mov ah, 0x0B
    mov bl, 0x4
    int 0x10
    jmp $

; Pad to 512 bytes and add 0x55AA cap
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa




org 0x7C00
bits 16

mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax

; Variables for CHS conversion
tmp: db 0
sct: db 0
hed: db 0
cyl: db 0
spt: db 0
hct: db 0
bdv: db 0
snm: db 0

mov [bdv], dl

jmp main

; lbaRead
; Reads sectors using LBA
; bx: LBA Address
; ax: Number of sectors
; dl: Drive number
    ; Read the Disk Geometry
    mov ah, 8
    int 0x13
    ; Error Handling
    jc err
    ; continue
    inc dh
    mov [hct], dh
    and cl, 0x3F
    mov [spt], cl

    ; Convert LBA to CHS
    ; Store Sectors to read number (snm)
    mov [snm], ax
    ; Calculate temporary value (tmp) and sector
    mov ax, bx
    mov bx, [spt]
    div bx
    mov [tmp], al
    inc ah
    mov [sct], ah
    ; Calculate Head and Cylinder
    mov ax, 0
    mov dx, ax
    mov ax, [tmp]
    mov bx, [hct]
    div bx
    mov [hed], ax
    mov [cyl], dx

    ; Read the disk
    mov ah, 0x02
    mov al, [snm]
    mov ch, [cyl]
    mov cl, [sct]
    mov dh, [hed]
    mov bx, 0x7E00
    int 0x13
    ; Error handling
    jc err
    mov bx, 1
    mov ax, 1
    mov dl, [bdv]
    call lbaRead
    mov ah, 0x0E
    mov al, [0x7E00]
    int 0x10
    jmp $

    mov ah, 0x0B
    mov bl, 0x4
    int 0x10
    jmp $

; Pad to 512 bytes and add 0x55AA cap
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa

assembly nasm x86-16 bootloader

事实证明整个程序完全是一团糟 值得庆幸的是,命令中的 Micheal Petch 决定重写整个内容

org 0x7C00
bits 16
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7c00 ; Stack will grow down below the bootloader.
mov [bdv], dl
jmp main
; lbaRead
; Reads sectors using LBA
; bx: LBA Address
; ax: Number of sectors
; dl: Drive number
    ; Save AX and BX
    mov [snm], ax
    push bx
    ; Read the Disk Geometry
    mov ah, 8
    mov di, 0
    int 0x13
    ; Error Handling
    jc err
    ; continue
    ; Int 0x13/ah=8 can set ES to non zero segment
    ; set ES back to 0
    mov ax, 0
    mov es, ax
    inc dh
    mov [hct], dh
    and cl, 0x3F
    mov [spt], cl
    ; Restore BX clobbered by previous int 13h
    pop bx
    ; Convert LBA to CHS
    ; Calculate temporary value (tmp) and sector
    mov dx, 0
    mov ax, bx
    mov bx, [spt]
    div bx
    inc dl
    mov [sct], dl
    ; Calculate Head and Cylinder
    mov dx, 0
    mov bx, [hct]
    div bx
    mov [hed], dl
    mov [cyl], ax
    ; Read the disk
    mov ah, 0x02
    mov al, [snm]
    mov ch, [cyl]
    mov cl, [sct]
    mov dh, [hed]
    mov dl, [bdv]
    mov bx, 0x7E00
    int 0x13
    ; Error handling
    jc err
    mov bx, 1
    mov ax, 1
    call lbaRead
    mov ah, 0x0E
    mov al, [0x7E00]
    int 0x10
    jmp $
    mov ah, 0x0B
    mov bl, 0x4
    int 0x10
    jmp $
; Variables for CHS conversion
tmp: dw 0
sct: db 0
hed: db 0
cyl: dw 0
spt: dw 0
hct: dw 0
bdv: db 0
snm: dw 0
; Pad to 512 bytes and add 0x55AA cap
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa
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