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SQS 队列实现遇到错误。我正在关注以下文档:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v3/developer-guide/javascript_sqs_code_examples.html,但我在将消息发送到时遇到类型不匹配错误队列。我附上包信息和错误快照以供参考。

package version: ^3.379.1

import {SendMessageCommand} from '@aws-sdk/client-sqs';
import {AnyObject} from '@loopback/repository';
import {getSQSclient} from './sqs-client';

const MAX_RETRIES = 3;
let currentAttempt = 1;
export async function publishToSQS(imageInfo: AnyObject) {
  try {
    // Create an SQS client using the getSQSclient function
    const sqs = await getSQSclient();
    // Send message to SQS queue using the SQS client
    const command = new SendMessageCommand({
      QueueUrl: process.env.SQS_URL,
      MessageBody: JSON.stringify(imageInfo),

    // Execute the command and capture the result

    const result = await sqs.send(command);

    log.info('Message sent successfully to SQS:', result);
  } catch (err) {
    log.error(`Error sending message to SQS (Attempt ${currentAttempt}/${MAX_RETRIES}):`, err);
    if (currentAttempt < MAX_RETRIES) {
      await publishToSQS(imageInfo);
    } else {
      // Log an error if maximum retries reached without success
      log.error('All retry attempts failed. Message not sent.', {failedImageInfo: imageInfo});


SQS queue

    error TS2345: Argument of type 'SendMessageCommand' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Command<ServiceInputTypes, SendMessageCommandInput, ServiceOutputTypes, SendMessageCommandOutput, SmithyResolvedConfiguration<...>>'. Types of property 'resolveMiddleware' are incompatible. Type '(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: SQSClientResolvedConfig, options?: HttpHandlerOptions | undefined) => Handler<...>' is not assignable to type '(stack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: SmithyResolvedConfiguration<HttpHandlerOptions>, options: any) => Handler<...>'.
node.js typescript amazon-sqs

我不确定该功能的不匹配是什么,但似乎有一个。为了进行比较,您可能会在示例代码库中的此示例中找到用途。请注意,如果您有 FIFO 队列,则需要一些附加属性。您不需要属性或延迟,但它们包含在示例中。

// Load the AWS SDK for Node.js var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); // Set the region AWS.config.update({region: 'REGION'}); // Create an SQS service object var sqs = new AWS.SQS({apiVersion: '2012-11-05'}); var params = { // Remove DelaySeconds parameter and value for FIFO queues DelaySeconds: 10, MessageAttributes: { "Title": { DataType: "String", StringValue: "The Whistler" }, "Author": { DataType: "String", StringValue: "John Grisham" }, "WeeksOn": { DataType: "Number", StringValue: "6" } }, MessageBody: "Information about current NY Times fiction bestseller for week of 12/11/2016.", // MessageDeduplicationId: "TheWhistler", // Required for FIFO queues // MessageGroupId: "Group1", // Required for FIFO queues QueueUrl: "YOUR_SQS_QUEUE_URL" }; sqs.sendMessage(params, function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log("Error", err); } else { console.log("Success", data.MessageId); } });


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