寻找解决方案 - 有向无环图问题

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在给定的 DAG 中,假设每个节点都有一个成本参数,并且每条边都有一个距离。 我们需要编写最小化函数是 MAX(所有选定节点的总成本,max(每个选定节点与其后代选定节点之间的距离之和)。



def minimize_max_cost(dag):
    # find the lower and upper bounds of the binary search
    lower_bound = float('inf')
    upper_bound = 0
    for node in dag:
        lower_bound = min(lower_bound, node.cost)
        upper_bound += node.cost

    # binary search for the minimum value of the function
    answer = float('inf')
    while lower_bound <= upper_bound:
        mid = (lower_bound + upper_bound) // 2
        total_cost = 0
        max_distance = 0
        for node in dag:
            if node.cost <= mid:
                total_cost += node.cost
                for child in node.children:
                    if child.cost <= mid:
                        max_distance = max(max_distance, node.distance_to(child))
        if max_distance <= mid:
            answer = min(answer, total_cost)
            upper_bound = mid - 1
            lower_bound = mid + 1

    return answer
algorithm graph-theory
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