如何生成这个 Spring-boot API 文档示例?

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我正在尝试追踪一个已经离开公司的开发人员是如何生成一些 Java Spring-boot API 的。该文件如下所示:

enter image description here


感谢 João Dias 的回答,我在 pom.xml 中找到了这个:

<!-- Run the generated asciidoc through Asciidoctor to generate other 
        documentation types, such as PDFs or HTML5 -->
        <!-- Include Asciidoctor PDF for pdf generation -->
        <!-- Configure generic document generation settings -->
        <!-- Since each execution can only handle one backend, run separate executions 
            for each desired output type -->
spring-boot swagger documentation

如果我没记错的话,这是 Spring REST 文档。了解更多详情:

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